Monday, September 30, 2019

Global Warming AD

As the sun’s harmful rays beam through the depleting ozone layer the globe begins to warm, earths polar ice caps melt and slowly start the elimination of life. This ad demonstrates the cause and effect of global warming. The world inside the lower quadrant of the hourglass is slowly getting swallowed by the sea due to the melting ice caps above. Within the hourglass there’s text stating â€Å"we are slowly running out of time, act now before it’s too late†. In the top of the hour glass a polar bear and penguin sit upon two nearly melted ice caps. The world below has cars driving into a city passed chopped down trees, and a gas station. Although the ad appears to be warning us of global warming, it’s actually warning us of our own selfishness! The ad uses three main tactics to achieve this, presentation of text, types of images, and image composition. The advertisers decided to use presentation of text in a subtle way to get their point across. The display of the text in this ad has diminutive properties. This relates to the feeling human beings have towards the situation of global warming. It indicates that we conveniently believe it’s a small issue and doesn’t need to be presented as a major problem. People avoid the truth and would rather just pass it on to the next generation to deal with. The use of this tactic helps sell the idea that we are to selfish to address the situation. Even though we have scientific evidence that global warming is happening, and that the polar ice caps are melting, people still don’t want to make it an issue. People would rather act selfish and destroy the earth then be inconvenienced and have to give up their comfortable lives. A stronger tactic used by the advertiser is the use of types of images, which provides us with further evidence. The types of images used in this ad show the advertisers point in a more straight forward manner. They use the images of street lights leading up to a city full of high-rises to provide us with the notion that we abuse energy. On the sides of the road there’s chopped down trees and a gas station indicating how human beings rape our land of its natural resources. Cars fill the street showing a luxury that pollutes and destroys the earth. All of which directly correlates with the image of the melting polar ice caps in the top of the hourglass. Once again it sells the idea that the ad informs us of our own selfishness. It indicates that people will do anything for their luxuries, even if it destroys our own planet. Providing evidence that our selfishness will not let anything stand between us and the things we love, even at the highest cost. By using a less noticeable, although stronger tactic, composition of images provides us with further evidence of their strategy. Image composition is the last and strongest tactic used by the advertiser. In the top frame of the hourglass the ice cap sits in pure blue water. In the lower section of the hourglass the earth is being swallowed by stagnant deathly water indicating the lack of life. Plus in the top frame a polar bear and a penguin sit perched anticipating their final moments of life as their worlds slowly melt away. As two birds hover above ground as their world disappears as well. This sells the idea by showing that people are too selfish to care not just about their own lives, but also every other life on this planet. Other creatures are going to die directly caused by our actions. The sea water levels are going to rise while the land becomes engulfed causing life on earth to diminish. And we are too selfish to look around and realize that we are destroying all habitats. Yet we still act like we are alone on this planet. This ad warns us of both global warming and our selfishness as human beings. By combining three tactics, presentation of text, types of images, and image composition the advertisers show us the affects of both. The use of dying animals, abused natural resources, man made cars, and the melting polar ice cap allows us to see the correlation between the issue of global warming and our selfishness. The presentation of text raises the awareness of people thinking it’s not a major situation, thus selling the ideas of global warming and our selfishness towards the belief of global warming. Each involves us in a selfish manner and uses cause and effect to sell the product. If humans keep being selfish and don’t stop taking advantage of our planet, then there will be no planet left to take advantage of.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

De Stijl and Bauhaus Movements: Modernism in the Soviet

Formed in Holland in 1917, De Stijl (The Style) or Neoplasticism is a movement constructed by artists whose concepts are in line with utopian approach to art. Its founders were painters Theo van Doesburg, who is also an architect, and Piet Mondrian, a painter. The group which composed of other painters, and published the paper called De Stijl. Recognizing the need to remerge art and design, the De Stijl movement promoted functionalism. The basics of their design include rectilinear shapes sliding across one another.Opposed to surface decoration and free space, De Stijl explored the use of cubic or 3-D shapes to fill in space. With a tendency to be aesthetically simple, it applies only pure primary hues, black and white (Matthews, n. d. ). From functionality, one can derive that the proponents favor the use of space for abstract function and style. Arts produced in this movement had their own way of expression, which opposes pure art and natural design, but promotes other possibilitie s with the constructivist’s use of plastic art.Artists of De Stijl movement include Le Corbusier, who constructed designs using bold 3-D geometrical shapes set on the exterior. For example, in his House at Weissenhof, the designer used a massive horizontal block for the upper structure to attain highlight. Windows are designed similarly to avoid irregularity, thus suggesting order and functionality. Such design with the geometrical boxes set on the exteriors is most commonly used nowadays in office buildings, condominiums, and malls. The square boxes are used either as terraces or box plants, and each is designed with uniformity.In some schools nowadays, this design takes the form of extended ledges, which serve as safety structures to prevent falling. The United Nations Headquarters designed by Le Corbusier is another example of De Stijl art. As one can see, the building which towers high above has a similar structure to the office buildings nowadays. This 39-storey building accommodates 3,400 employees. The side walls are made of tinted glass, while the narrow end walls are of white marble. Considerably, buildings made subsequently take on this example, with tinted glass windows as walls, which combine high aspects of functionality with aesthetics.Although short-lived, the influence of De Stijl has been very prominent in the modern era. For instance, the concept of the toy Lego, which uses plastic art to construct structures, has been very popular among children. Also, many buildings and houses have been constructed based on the philosophy of this movement. Influenced by De Stijl, the Bauhaus movement followed, with a philosophy of turning away from old structures, and employing modern or international art with a higher sense of functionality for social and political purposes.Led by Walter Groupis, the artists focused on urban planning, housing, and development for the common people or the masses. Included in the teaching of Bauhaus arts is industrial production. Unlike De Stijl which supports plastic art, students under Bauhaus are taught to work on handicrafts to gain understanding of theoretical principles. One Bauhaus artist well-famed for designing multi functional buildings is Walter Gropius. Designed in 1911, Fagus Works boasts of modern art and style.The exterior is a combination of glass and brick walls, which allows passersby to view the interiors. Steel staircases adorn the corridors and add to the eclectic impression when viewed outside. Influenced by De Stijl, this building employs elucidative design but limited colors of beige and grey, thus striking a balance between simplicity and grandiose. Moreover, the use of bricks and glass, steel and wood for staircases also sets a balance between smooth and rough surfaces, or hard and soft, which further suggests both permanence and impermanence—a universal theme in the modern world.References Jirousek, Charlotte. (1995). De stijl. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from ht tp://char. txa. cornell. edu/art/decart/destijl/decstijl. htm Matthews, Kevin. Le Corbusier. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from http://www. greatbuildings. com/architects/Le_Corbusier. html Matthews, Kevin. Walter Gropius. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from http://www. greatbuildings. com/buildings/Fagus_Works. htmlhttp://www. google. com. ph/search? sourceid=navclient&hl=tl&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLJ_tlPH259PH259&q=soviet+de+stijl+artists

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Authoritative Parenting Model Essay

Establishing discipline through authoritative parenting is an effective style because it displays secure emotional development, allows a higher quality of supportive peer relationships and enhances problem-solving skills for the child. Research has shown that authoritative parenting is the most effective style of parenting. Authoritative parenting is the one style that promotes equal involvement between the parent and child. (Cherry, 2013a). The parent displays fair discipline, warmth and nurturing, effective communication with the child and sets certain expectations on behavior and maturity. This parenting style promotes a â€Å"democratic† model in which parents are  responsive to the child’s needs, thoughts and concerns. These parents will listen to questions the child may have on expectations set. Simply put by these parents are direct but not over bearing. (Cherry, 2013b). They reason instead of just punishing the child. Parents of this model want their children to be self-assured, socially approachable and cooperative. This furthermore, clearly defines that the authoritative style allows open communication between parent and child, love, guidance, nurturing, explanation of discipline and balance for the child. The authoritative parenting style is about setting limits, reasoning with kids, and being responsive to their emotional needs. (Dewar, 2013). These types of parents offer children a great deal of emotional support. While setting high standards for a child, parents who practice the authoritative style are responsive to the needs of children, demand children to show respect as well as provide a nurturing environment. In setting limits, children will often comply with respect to their parents and act responsibly. When children misbehave, the authoritative parent provides discipline as well and pointing out and discussing the misbehavior. The parent further provides reasoning to the act. In addition, parents allow for verbal responses and communication  from the child that promotes a sense of balance. As Dewar further states, there is evidence that this style helps kids become more empathic, helpful, conscientious, and kind to others. Dewar also suggests, authoritative parents are both highly responsive and very demanding. Overall, this is one of the best ways to define the authoritative parenting style. Evidenced  research provides several conclusions that children raised by authoritative parents are more likely to become independent, socially accepted by peers, academically productive, and well mannered. (Dewar, 2013). Children often become more supportive, reliable, and thoughtful to family and peers. Authoritative parents promote secure attachments and allow children to communicate their concerns and feelings. In doing so, children are less likely to internalize problems. Talking with a child will allow them to verbalize both good and bad, learning from these better choices and avoiding future mistakes. In the end, children will become better with problem solving skills and positive emotional well-being. Authoritative parenting offers secure emotional development of a child. These parents exhibit respectable emotional understanding and control, encourage children to manage their own emotions and learn to understand others as well. (Cherry, 2013b). The authoritative parenting style focuses on parents listening to what their children have to say, place reasonable limits that have set consequences for certain behaviors and encourage an independent child. Parents are warm and welcoming to discuss anything with the child but do not do this in a robust manner. This parent is consistent with discipline but expects the child take responsibility for their actions. The parents do not judge or place immediate blame, they listen to what the child has to say. In return, these children tend to be capable of making appropriate decisions, have a sense of pride and happiness with themself and achieve goals set for them effectively. In other words, the authoritative parent encourages a child to set expectations of their own to succeed,  work through problems, develop their own skill sets and accomplish a strong sense of confidence. Diane Baumrind’s research shows that these children display a happier disposition, have effective control of their emotions, exhibit s social interaction and are self-starters in learning new things. (Cherry, 2013a). Multiple studies have been done that prove authoritative parents score high on measures of warmth and responsiveness and high on measures of control and maturity demands (Spera, 2005). This is likely due to the parent’s warm and responsive manner in which the child is approached by the parent. The parents due demand a high level of maturity from the child, but do so with balance, affection, and bidirectional communication to nurture relationships. The parent gives explanation of why a child should act a certain way in social or serious situation. Parents also help the child to prioritize what is important to succeed socially and academically. This is referred to as the demandingness/responsive model. (Spera, 2005). Demandingness refers to the demands parents make on their children to become unified with family and united in society with others. Parents hold certain levels of demand for their children, but provide direction, and discipline when appropriate. Responsiveness refers to parental actions that purposefully encourage individuality, self-confidence and contention of the child. With parental responsiveness, parents are receptive and understanding of the child’s needs. Parenting in this manner and with warmth and understanding, this can make a child’s temperament more calm, happy, adaptable, regulate sleeping and eating habits, set a positive mood and encourage interest in new experiences. Research has found that the best-adjusted children have parents with an authoritative style (Gurian, 2011). These parents are able to balance with definitions, place high demands with emotional responsiveness and maintain respect for their child’s independence. Parents need to remember though; children also have their own style and temperament. They do  react differently in given situations and parents must recognize those differences, especially in families with many siblings. Differences in these types of children are the easy going, calm, happy child who possess healthy habits, is generally in a good mood at all time and is interested in many different activities. In contrast, difficult child may be fussy, negative, and emotionally weak and get upset easily. Authoritative parents must understand the given situation and find a good â€Å"fit† to meet the child’s demands. Being consistent is key as well. Setting limits on the child, providing ongoing encouragement, recognizing accomplishments, discussing solutions to problems and consistent communication is a must. Constructive conversation and encouragement with balance develop a strong relationship. Parents need to gain and maintain respect from their children to be able to teach them how to develop strong social relationships. Parents are the influential to child as they set limits and rules with respect to each individual in the family. A warm parent is full encouragement, bi directional communication, and love. (Harkey, 2012). The authoritative style is obviously the one that parents should strive for when parenting. When this type of parenting is accomplished a child will be happy, content and successful. Children will strive for balance and selfconfidence to develop strong peer relationships. Authoritative parents practice demandingness and response. They balance control and empathy that results in a thriving relationship with the child. These parents also do not put more on a child then they feel the child can handle. Again, they listen to the child’s needs and help them to make better decisions. Authoritative parent practices  increase the importance of peer relationships for adolescents. This parenting style encourages a variety of positive outcomes for adolescents with quality, supportive friendships. (Beck, 2011). Peer friendships are important to all children especially in the adolescent years. Support from friends helps to develop a higher self-esteem  during this time and makes teens feel important. The authoritative parenting style promotes this as parents discuss school events, peer relationships and emotions with the child. Studies show that strong peer relationships are related to better social skills and develop leadership qualities in teens. (Beck, 2011). Parents encourage teens to become involved in these types of relationships. Parents encourage externalized communication, involvement in teen activities, questions about their peer relationships and strong communications. At the same time, parents demand certain behaviors and will not tolerate inappropriate teen behaviors. Parents must remember not to wait to form these bonds with children in the adolescent years; these bonds must being in early childhood and continued throughout the early adulthood years. Parents must also recognize that teens may begin to reference peers for advice and problem solving skills. Parent involvement without being over bearing is essential to maintain a balanced relationship with the child. Authoritative parenting is effective for positive outcomes of the child in problem solving skills as well as success with peer relationships (Spera, 2005). Spera reviews findings that speak to research of children from authoritative parenting styles and that are associated with positive school  outcomes. In his review of such research he suggests that authoritative parents provide many idea dynamics that lead to high academic performance. Authoritative parents provide a high level of emotional security. This allows the child a sense of comfort and helps them to succeed in their school and peer relationships. Spera also defines that authoritative parents provide their children with explanations for their actions. Explanations provide children with a sense of interpretation and mindfulness of their parents’ values, morals, and goals. These are the building blocks to success in academic and social performance. Authoritative parents participate with the child in bidirectional communication. This style furthermore promotes better skills in interpersonal relations, sets a higher level of confidence and more popular children. These  interpersonal skills are a direct reflection of how a child will succeed in school, both socially and academically. Authoritative parents take a different, more moderate approach that emphasizes setting high standards, being nurturing and responsive, and showing respect for children as independent, rational beings. The authoritative parent expects maturity and cooperation, and offers children a lot of emotional support. Quality parenting is ongoing and offers warm and secure bonds between the parent and child. Children raised in this environment are less likely to internalize their feelings as authoritative parents encourage the child to talk about their thoughts and feelings. Also when a child makes a mistake, the parents must approach the situation in a caring manner vs. a blaming tone. This can  provide openness and solutions to problem solving and in turn children will become more effective learners from this process. Studies prove that encouraging independence in children reflect better problem solving skills and healthy emotional beings. (Dewar, 2010). This can provide the appropriate means for a child to become more helpful to others, caring and giving. In doing so, children will be viewed by peers as being kind, approachable and sometimes popular. The best-adjusted child, particularly in terms of social competence, has parents who utilize the authoritative, moderate parenting style. (Gurian, 2011). Gurian examines and compares the parenting styles researched for many years by Diane Baumrind that speaks to three different styles. These styles are authoritative, authoritarian and permissive parenting. Authoritative parenting, provides a balanced approach, demands expectations of appropriate behaviors, allow children to think through decisions and develop a sense of autonomy. Authoritarian patenting on the other hand, emphasizes strict discipline and severe punishment. Also, there is little affection shown. Permissive parenting, displays passionate warmth but this parent is hesitant to enforce rules. Gurian further explains that children from authoritative  families tend to be emotionally sound, well behaved and competent in academic performance. This makes them resourceful, and socially adept in all aspects of life. In reference to children from authoritarian families, they are fairly well behaved but lack social skills. Also these children tend to  suffer from anxiety, unhappiness, and lack of self-confidence. Children from permissive families may hold a high self esteem but tend to get involved in problem behaviors such as drug or alcohol abuse and are poor performers in academics. Findings show that among all the components of personality, there is a direct and significant relationship between openness personality trait and authoritative parenting style. (Mohammad, Nasirudin, Samadzadeh and Amini, 2012). It aims to explore the difference in parenting styles and personality dimensions. This leads children to broaden their scope of curiosity and wisdom, which helps them with problem solving skills. The authors of this abstract (Mohammad, Nasirudin, Samadzadeh and Amini, 2012) clearly research and study over 272 students from a national university. They used random sampling and a questionnaire to gather the information to be reviewed from these students as the authoritative parenting style is one compared to the others that improves secure being, focus, knowledge, and develops problem solving. Also, in this study it reflects that the authoritative parenting style is the one compared to the others that improves secure being within the child, focus, and knowledge and develops problem-solving skills. Results of this study also showed that parent’s educational manners and styles are effective on the development of children’s personality behaviors. Parents play an important role in meeting a child’s needs. It is imperative that a parent provides a healthy relationship with child using the authoritative style of open communication, warmth and love. Self-confidence for child throughout life is significant in decision-making. Children with authoritative education style have higher social-emotional growth and better academic  achievement. Parents display social support, mutual relationships, approachability, responsiveness and satisfaction towards children with an authoritative parenting style. This in turn results in the maturity of these mechanisms within children. Family is definitely the main support of a child’s personality traits and growth. Parenting styles are patterns for children’s enhancement that is formed by the consistent communication of parent/child and how they response to children’s behavior. Authoritative parents demand maturity and accountability from the child, but approach them in a kind way with explanation at all times. Various studies discussed by (Mohammad, Nasirudin, Samadzadeh and Amini, 2012) speak to the committed relationship and authoritative parenting style that has a direct reflection on academic achievement in children. It also has a positive impact on the well-being and mental health of the child. These parents guide direction and provide explanation and solutions for further success of these children and therefore have a direct reflection on problem solving of adolescent issues. The article by (Spera, 2005) evaluates the information on the relationship among parenting practices, parenting styles, and adolescent school achievement. Spera speaks to research completed by Diane Baumrind that authoritative parents have high maturity demands and set expectations for achievement of their children. However, they foster maturity requests through bidirectional communication and encouragement of independence. The review of the practical research indicates that parental involvement and monitoring are strong predictors of adolescent achievement. Furthermore, the review specifies that authoritative parenting styles are often associated with advanced areas of student achievement. Parents find social skills important and entwine them in daily discussions with children. These topics can include social, academic and peer topics for discussion. Volunteering at school, helping children with homework and attending school events such as extracurricular activities are the many ways parents can stay  involved with child. Parents must initiate this type of involvement with children, as it will result in positive outcomes for the child. Moreover, Spera speaks to studies with adolescents that have found that parental assistance with homework is positively related to the amount of time adolescents spend on their homework. Parents who value the education as their child will result in those child to succeed in their academic practices as well as social interaction with peer groups (Spera, 2005). This results in personal and professional growth of the child. It also teaches children to respect their studies and understand why education is to be valued. Setting goals together can prove effective. Also, mature and self-confident children succeed with an authoritative parent if bidirectional communication is maintained. The abstract by (Turner, Chandler, and Heffer, 2009) also provides information about the effectiveness of appropriate parenting styles in relation to academic performance. The results of the current study of college students concludes that parenting characteristics such as concern, love and warmth continue to play an important role in prompting a student’s academic performance while in college. It also speaks to self- esteem as it relates to success in college students. In doing so, it discusses research and studies that tested the interaction between child self-efficacy and authoritative parenting. In general, an authoritative parenting style emphasizing both responsiveness and demandingness appears superior in fostering higher academic performance. This provides reasoning as to why authoritative parenting is effective in the child’s progress through adolescence and early adulthood. Several other studies by Diane Baumrind have indicated that there is a positive link between authoritative parenting style and academic performance. These children are motivated constantly by their parents and provide ongoing  reassurance of goals and values. Authoritative parents encourage a high self-esteem and promote the ability for the child to mature, organize and achieve goals in a warm, secure way. These positive actions build success and growth for the child as they learn to work through problems, difficult scenarios and achieve success academically. Self-efficacy is strongly related to academic achievement especially at the college level. Again parents play an important role to assist in the development of maturity and self-assurance of the child beginning early in life. As children mature and begin on their own at the college levels, parents still can play an important role on the continued success. According to studies reviewed in the article of (Turner, Chandler, and Heffer, 2009). Students who come from an authoritative parenting style not only achieve overall academic success but tend to have a higher GPA. Ongoing research over the years shows that establishing discipline through authoritative parenting is one of the most effective styles because it provides secure emotional development, allows a higher quality of supportive social relationships and enhances problem-solving skills for the child. The authoritative parenting style is one in which parents display warmth, rationalization and understanding that provide a sense of security and self-perseverance of the child. These parents allow child involvement with an emphasis on bidirectional communication. Parents provide ideal problem  solving skills at all ages for future success by demanding maturity from the child but provide a positive and encouraging approach with balance to a develop strong peer relationships. Authoritative parents provide warmth, understanding and love to promote a child’s self confidence for overall academic and personal achievement throughout life. REFERENCES Beck, K. (2011). The role of mothers’ authoritative  parenting in adolescent attachment and social relationships. [Abstract]. Cherry, K. (2013a). Parenting styles: the four styles of parenting. Psychology. Retrievedfrom ting-style.htm?r=et. Cherry, K. (2013b). What is authoritative parenting? Guide to Psychology. Retrieved from Dewar, G. (2013, March). The authoritative parenting style: Warmth, rationality, and high standards. A guide for the science-minded parent Dewar, G. (2010). Parenting styles: A guide for the science-minded Gurian, A. (2011, July). Parenting styles/children’s temperaments: the match. NYU Child Study Center. Retrieved from _match Harkey, N, & Jourgensen, T. (2012). Parenting by temperament: Authoritative parenting [Kindle edition]. Retrieved from Mohammad, M. Javidi, N., Samadzadeh, M. & Amini. M. ( 2012, September). 3332 Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 5 No. 9 Spera, C. (2005). A review of the relationship among parenting practices, parenting styles, and adolescent school achievement. Educational Psychology Review, 17(2), 125-146 Turner, E., Chandler, M., Heffer, R. (2009, May/June). The influence of parenting styles, achievement motivation, and self-efficacy on academic performance in college students. Journal of College Student Development, Volume 50, (3), 337-346. Published by The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Friday, September 27, 2019

History of visual communication (graphic design) Essay

History of visual communication (graphic design) - Essay Example The development of visual communication did not originate from the WIMP (Windows Icon Mouse Pointer) interface which is most commonly seen system for controlling computers. Rather, the origins of the communication style come from cave paintings and drawing made in prehistoric times where certain ideas and concepts had been shared by the original dwellers of the caves to individuals who came after them. Even though the people who inhabited the caves and we are separated by a few thousand years we can still understand the basic message which is being conveyed by the image (Solymar, 1999). The message and pictures themselves become complicated as time goes by and the hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt contain pictographic writings on the walls of the monuments they created to the clay tablets used for record keeping. In time, the medium changed along with the form of the message and things like animal skins, bone fragments, vellum, tree bark and papyrus began to be used as means for recording information. Even though the ancients had refined paper to a great extent, they did not have the ability to duplicate the same information hundreds of times with ease (Solymar, 1999). With the advent of Christianity, knowledge became a premium requirement for many people and the demand for documents that contained religious information was increased. Books and notes were copied in hand with a significant amount of labor involved in the process but that labor could be carried out by anyone even if they were illiterate as long as they could see and copy characters. On the other hand, it was far easier to transfer knowledge through visual images and the use of color in various pictures that explain certain stories (Ivins, 1969). The medieval ages perhaps represent the golden age of visual imagery since every image had several layers of meaning for the story connected to the image and even the individual colors of the persons portrayed in the pictures had one

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Introduction to accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Introduction to accounting - Essay Example The workforce of the enterprise amounts to 150,000 employees. Sainsbury has 525 supermarkets, 303 convenience stores and one bank. Its market share of 16% is the largest in the industry. â€Å"The Sainsburys brand is built upon a heritage of providing customers with healthy, safe, fresh and tasty food† (Jsainsbury, 2010). This year the company celebrated its 140th birthday. The business priorities of the company are: a) Great food at fair price; b) Accelerating the growth of complimentary non-food ranges; c) Reaching more customers through additional channels; d) Growing supermarket space; e) Active property management (Jsainsbury, 2010). The common stocks of the company are traded in the London Stock Exchange. Information concerning the prices of the stock from April 7, 2010 to April 14, 2010 is illustrated in Appendix B. The company utilized the straight line method to depreciate its assets. Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The company’s Chairman is David Tyler.The chief executive officer (CEO) is Justin King, while the chief financial officer (CFO) is Darren Shapland. Mike Coope serves as the Trading Director. The company Chairman started his position on October 1, 2009 replacing Phillip Hampton. He has extensive experience working at the managerial executive level at Experian Group, Burberry plc, and Logica plc. He is currently 56 years of age. J Sainsbury generated total sales of 18,911 million pounds in fiscal year 2009. In comparison with 2008 the firm was able to increase its revenues by 6%. Despite the fact that the company achieved higher revenues its bottom line was not as good as in 2008. In 2009 Sainsbury’s obtained a net income of 289 million pounds. In 2008 its net income was 329 million pounds. About 68% of the decrease in net income was due to higher income taxes. The total assets of the enterprise in 2009 were 10,033 million pounds.

CIPD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

CIPD - Essay Example Leading HR The remaining eight professional areas in which the HR professional provides specialist support to the organizations are: Resource and aptitude Planning: This area represents delivering efficient manpower service to the organization through effective aptitude planning. Learning and development: This area of professional HRM services provides learning and development programs for enhancement of knowledge and skills of the employees. Performance and incentives: This area provides evaluation and implementation of performance based incentive program in the organization to motivate the employees. Employee commitment: This service delivers effective evaluation of the extent of commitment of each and every employee to the organization. Worker Relations: This service conducts effective both way communication systems in the organization aims to develop good employee relation in the organization. ... It is a broad area that involves evaluation monitory and non monitory motivations required, conflict resolutions, effective organization culture and ethical hr code of conducts. The eight behavioral traits spread across the Band 1 to Band 4 that need to be exhibited by the HR professionals in order to contribute to organizational success are given as follows. Personal credibility: It is one of the most important traits of individual employees and for that reason it needs be appreciated by the organization through effective reward systems. Collaboration: This trait helps to improve group work and collaborative work output. Curious: Curiosity is one of the important traits of employees for enhancement of skills and knowledge. Courage to challenge: This trait helps an employee to take new tasks easily and comfortably. Skilled influencer: This trait is most essential for team lead, project coordinator or a manager to motivate his or her own team members and get the work done easily. Role Model: This trait is most important in any organization using it as inspirational tool for all employees. Band 2: knowledge and activities in Employee engagement The professional area of employee engagement in Band 2 has been considered to be the most essential in the role of an HR professional. The HR professional is also required to provide solutions in order to maintain a productive work environment and sustainable business. The workplace consists of a diversified group of workers with difference in education, background, culture and most importantly future ambitions. The engagement with the employees would provide the knowledge on the existing gaps in the system and the actionable that is required to maintain a healthy work environment. The HR professional should have

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 32

Reflection - Essay Example The most relevant information that I have learnt about the concept of diversity is that, there are various strategies which can be put in place in to enhance diversity. People can be trained and sensitized on different cultures to be able to understand, interact and accept others. I learnt that diversity boost production rate in an organization due to different ideas from diverse places. Additionally, diversity training enhances effective diversity management and this in turn motivates people to cooperate well. However, diversity is prone to various problems like discrimination, inequality in subordinate groups and harassment of employees. Diversity is important to me because it eliminates problems caused by differences in race, gender, or culture. Consequently, when people adapt to diverse working conditions positively, they help in eradication of conflicts and increase productivity of the organization.Basically, this research has really changed my thinking and approach to diversity and leadership. For instance, I have realized that lack of diverse workforce is in most cases caused by discrimination and stereotypes among us. People can learn a lot when they interact and work with diverse people with different cultures, belong to distinct races or gender. The most relevant information about the research based on diversity and healthy living is that everyone’s life is always influenced negatively or positively. However the case, they are affected physically or mentally therefore, appropriate exercise is necessary in order to live a healthy life. In this research, I have learnt that positive feelings increase our attention capacity as well as emotional well being. Participation in activities helps in elimination of prejudices. Additionally, I have gained knowledge on diversity climate which concentrates on views of openness and reaction towards a particular group of diversity. Have knowledge on people’s personalities, backgrounds and habits make one to be

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Physical Educations Assignment (Strength and flexibility programme)

Physical Educations (Strength and flexibility programme) - Assignment Example Stronger muscles boots ones posture, which relaxes the body organs including neck, shoulder, hips and abdominal muscles (The Training Station, 2013). Flexibility training program reduces ones exposure to risk of injury and improves the body’s physical performance. Continued stretching promotes supply of blood to all the muscle tissues, delivery of essential nutrients to the blood stream, increase of joint synovial fluid, transportation of nutrients in the joints is promoted by the lubricating fluid (Canfitpro). Entire flexibility training of the body leads to reduced soring of muscles, improved physical performance. Exercises as yoga helps relax mind and body stress (Skinny). It was ensured there was no state of inactivity during the exercise period; overload was proofed to arouse adaptation, when high level of fitness where achieved intensity was further used to promote

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Relation between Appearance and Reality Term Paper - 1

The Relation between Appearance and Reality - Term Paper Example Appearance may refer to something that simple seems to be and the reality is what the object actually is. These two aspects are normative and positive respectively and a number of philosophers like Locke, Berkeley and Descartes have written about them as their main areas of focus in order to decipher what is appearing to be and what actually is in reality. This paper helps to provide an insight into the realms of appearance and reality with respect to the works of the above mentioned philosophers and how their theories and ideas have actually compelled the world today to think in a certain manner. The main reason behind which one actually began to understand a demarcation between appearance and reality is misleading situations in everyday life. Human beings have a vast imagination which can take them to places; however this same imagination leads them into thinking things that may not actually exist. For example, emotions like fear and terror are created in the minds of people. Fear of the dark or the unknown is something that most people possess as a natural instinct however, the fact of the matter remains that the fear is simply something that appears to be and does not exist in reality because the fear has been planted by someone or something else most of the time rather than arising out of some situation. There are times when people assume things and circumstances and end up realising that whatever happened did not actually take place, but it simply seemed to be a certain way. Reality is that aspect of life that people are actually living in the present. It is not easy for a man to be living in the reality without getting ideas about what to do next. Thus, arises the aspect of ideas and perception of the near future which gives rise to appearances. Appearance is something that seems to be or something that a person might think the actual situation consists of, but

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Boston Beer Company Essay Example for Free

Boston Beer Company Essay 1.Evaluate the attractiveness of the craft beer segment relative to the market space occupied by the traditional Big Three. (tip: use the Five Forces framework). a.High Threat of new competition: over 600 of specialty beer companies were founded over the past five years, approximately 40% growth each years. In addition, the existence of contract brewing companies lead to low entry cost. b.High substitution: The attractiveness of craft brewing industry are majorly based on unique styles and flavors of beer. there are many different brands and styles of beer so the actual threat of substitutes is high. c.The intensity of competitive rivalry is also high: while there is a major growth of new entry, the market size shows little growth. This creates tremendous competitive pressures among the industry. d.Bargaining power of buyers: Switching cost for buyers are low, as there are many different substitution and options. companies has to consistently maintain high quality in order to retain customers. e.Bargaining power of suppliers: switching cost for suppliers are high for the traditional Big Three, as their supplies are tied to their own brewies. Craft brewing companies has the option of switch breweries in a relatively low cost, as the suppliers know they have options to supply other breweries. This allows them to charge higher prices than the big three. 2.Evaluate Boston Beers business model relative to Redhook and Petes, comparing their business models with respect to specific activities such as procurement, brewing, distribution, and marketing. BBC’s strategy of producing the highest quality of products, the company pursued four initiatives: high quality standards, contract brewing, intensive sales and marketing, and product line innovations. Unlike BBC and Pete’s, redhook relies on its own breweries. Redhook also established a strategic alliance with Anheuser-Busch whereby Redhook products were sold through the nation-wide network of 700 distributorships in exchange for a 25% equity stake in the company. \Similar to BBC, Pete’s operates on a contract brewing basis and stress heavily on marketing. In retrospect, BBC intended to remain a contract brewer exclusively, capitalizing on lower overhead and transportation costs while continuing to invest heavily in its branded products. Redhook believed that its long-term growth and profitability were best served by assembling the largest company-owned production capacity of any domestic craft brewer, guaranteeing production capacity in more than one geographic region of the United States. Redhook also made a substantial investment in distribution, gaining access to Anheuser Busch’s nation-wide network of resellers. Pete’s, on the other hand, appeared to be following a combination of these two strategies by producing its products at both company-owned and third-party breweries. 3.How realistic analysts long-term growth forecasts (25% to 40% for the craft-brewing segment)? Based on the porter five forces analysis, the craft brewing segment has many advantages over the traditional big three, which explains the 40% growth rate. However the large number of new entries companies has already created a tremendous amount of competitions among its own, which retard the long term growth in my opinion and makes the forecasts of 25% to 40% seem unrealistic. 4.What do you recommend to Boston Beer? a.While the US market size remains somewhat stable. By exporting globally, will introduce BBC to new markets and additional sales b.Forming strategic alliance will help combat the increasing competition among industries.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Marketing Analysis of Avon

Marketing Analysis of Avon David H. McConnell founded the company in 1886 at the age of 28 years old. He sold books door-to-door and distributed perfume to lure women to buy his books. His perfume was more popular than his books, so he then founded the California Perfume Company (CPC) in New York, New York in a 500-square-foot (46 m2) manufacturing and shipping office at 126 Chambers Street. As the corporation grew, he employed his first representative, Mrs. P.F.E. Albee. In 1897, McConnell built a small (3000 square foot) laboratory in Suffern, New York. In 1906, the West Coast office in San Francisco was destroyed in the Great Earthquake. In 1914 the first non-US office was opened in the Canadian province of Quebec. January 28, 1916, David H. McConnell and Alexander D. Henderson (businessman) in Suffern, New York  [2]  incorporated the California Perfume company. Sales attained $2 million by 1928 following five million units sold in North America. The company name was changed to Avon Products Inc. Octobe r 1939 which was taken public by 1954, sales reached $55 million, and the Avon Calling advertising campaign introduced. Avon Suffern Research and Development facility came into existence in 1971. With one million sales representatives, sales reached $3 million, presently; sales exceed $10 billion worldwide. The 100 million dollar Research and Development facility which house 300 research scientists on the original site in Suffern, New York was opened in 2005. Avon also has offices in Luzerne, Pennsylvania and Davenport, Iowa. Andrea Jung is the companys Chairman and CEO, who was selected to the position in 1999. As at December 2009, the company had approximately 41,000 employees  [3]   2.2 Company Profile 2.2.1 Organizational Structure The Office of the Chairman is responsible for identifying growth initiatives, incorporating global strategies, and apportioning resources to Avon units around the world. In addition, as part of the reorganization, the firms three International Regional headquarters were to be phased out, alternated by nine streamlined business units covering sales, marketing and distribution around the world. Profit and loss accountability rested with them. Managers of these units would report directly to the Office of the Chairman. Also reporting to the chairman are five global staff departments: Finance/legal Affairs, Human Resources, Corporate Affairs and Communications, Planning and Business Development, and a new department Global Product Management. Each department assumes worldwide responsibility for its function 2.2.2 Major Lines of Business Avon Products line includes skin care items, makeup, men and women perfume fragrances, and bath toiletries, hair care, personal care, hand and body care and sun care. Recognizable brand names included Skin-So-Soft, a product in the bath products area, which benefited from wide publicity concerning alternative uses; Moisture Therapy; and Imari fragrance. Newer products include Avon Color, an entirely new line of more than 350 shades of lip, eye, face, and nail colors. The product line assures customers that Avon has just the right shade for them and that their total look could be coordinated. Avon newest product Anew Perfecting Complex for Face, won the most successful skin care product in Avon history. Internationally, the companys product line is marketed primarily at moderate price points. The marketing strategy emphasized department store quality at discount store prices. Avon is the worlds largest manufacturer and distributor of fashion jewelry, and markets an extensive line of gifts and collectibles. A separate division, Giorgio Beverly Hills, manufactures and sells prestige fragrances. These brand name products are sold through major retail department stores, in boutiques, by mail order catalog and by other means. 2.3 Operating Strategies Avon Products Inc. is uniquely among major corporations, a womans company. The company sells products to, for and through women. The company understands women needs and preferences better than most. This understanding guides the basic business and influences the choice of new business opportunities. Avon need to become and are becoming, more customer-oriented and more market- driven. Each one of the 18 words in the vision statement has considerable meaning. The three most important elements, however, are the focus on women, on being global, and on the additional opportunities for Avon in self-fulfillment. Avon Products Inc. Principles To provide individuals with additional earning means to support well-being and happiness. To ensure families satisfaction from quality products To render outstanding service to customers in its helpfulness and courtesy; To acknowledge and reward employees and Representatives contributions. To distribute the dividend of growth and success with others; To meet social corporate responsibility; and To keep and treasure the hospitable Avon spirit. Source: Avon Representative Success Book 2.3 Operating Strategies 2.3.1 Mission Statement and Management Objectives Avon Products Inc. intends being the company that best understands meets and satisfies women needs globally. The International Beauty leading company intends to surpass competitors in quality, innovation, value and raising image to become women favorites Beauty Company worldwide by creating a unique portfolio of Beauty and related brands. The Womens quest for Buying Avon products will become home store for women, offering the convenience of multiple brands and channels, and providing a personal high touch shopping experience that helps create lifelong customer relationships. The Premier Direct Seller will expand the companys presence in direct selling and lead the reinvention of the channel, offering an entrepreneurial opportunity that delivers superior earnings, recognition, service and support, making it easy and rewarding to be affiliated with Avon and elevating the image of the industry. Avon products leadership edge is through passion for high standards, respect for diversity and commitment to create exceptional opportunities for professional growth so that associates can fulfill their highest potential. The companys philanthropic efforts aim at eliminating breast cancer and empowering women to be economic independent. As a way of creating wealth for shareholders, Avon seeks new growth opportunities and improving profitability, a socially responsible, ethical company that is noticed and imitated as a model of success. 2.3.2 Business Models and Strategies Avon Products, Inc., is one of the worlds largest direct selling organization and merchandiser of beauty and beauty related products. From corporate office in New York City, Avon markets product lines to women in 112 countries through 1.6 million active independent contractors (sales representatives) that receive a percentage commission for their sales but do not enjoy employment benefits, they sell primarily on a door-to-door basis. The idea behind the direct selling model is to eliminate the middle man (department and cosmetic stores) and get its products directly to consumers which will be able to cut costs and increase profits. November 2005, Avon products inaugurated an exhaustive turnaround plan to restore sustainable growth. The four-point turnaround plan includes: Committing to brand competitiveness by focusing research and development resources on product innovation and by increasing our advertising; Winning with commercial edge by more effectively utilizing pricing and promotion, expanding our Sales Leadership program and improving the attractiveness of our Representative earnings opportunity as needed; Elevating organizational effectiveness by redesigning our structure to eliminate layers of management in order to take full advantage of our global scale and size; and Transforming the cost structure so that our costs are aligned to our revenue growth and remain so. Source: 10-K (Feb 25, 2010) One of the goals of the 2005 Turn-around Plan was to increase the number of Representatives paid in 2007 when the company had 13% increase in net sales as a result of the increase in the number of Representatives Primarily, Avons revenues come from three main categories: 2009 2008 2007 2006 Beauty Products 72% 72% 70% 69% Fashion Products 17% 18% 18% 18% Home Products 11% 10% 12% 13% Source: Beauty Products: Cosmetics, fragrances, and personal care. Fashion Products are Jewelry, watches, apparel and accessories. Home Products: Home products and decorative products. 2.4 SWOT Analysis 2.4.1 Strengths Presence in dynamic sector Strategic focus on emerging markets Diversification through acquisition Wide brand appeal Financial stability Strong brand image 2.4.2 Weaknesses Over reliance on Beauty Products (72%) Limited outlets for the customers Confusing promotions, out of date catalogs, unattractive packaging and customer complains of Avon image. Over reliance on Sales Representatives Products are not commonly found in store 2.4.3 Opportunities Geographic Growth: Enormous growth opportunities exist in countries with huge populations such as China, Indonesia and India. In Eastern Europe, management is excited about the potential in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. In the Pacific Rim area, countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos are targeted as market opportunities. Emerging and Developing Markets: In those markets, the retail infrastructure was undeveloped, especially in the interiors of those countries. The Avon representatives provide consumers with opportunities to buy a wide range of quality products at acceptable prices 2.4.4 Threats Avons dependence on the productivity and profitability of the representative direct-selling model exposes it to cost and litigation risks. It is likely that AVP will incur future costs through litigation and resolution of the lawsuit, which may include terms that would increase costs and decrease profits for Avon. Currency Fluctuation Risks as a result of much presence in global markets: Only 20% of the companys sales Revenue come from the United States while other countries contribute 80%, making the company very sensitive to currency fluctuations and the strength of the dollar. A weakening of the dollar against foreign currencies would allow Avon products to become more competitively priced in global markets, thus positively affecting sales revenue from foreign markets; however, a weak dollar would also mean higher costs for products manufactured overseas. 2.5 Core Competencies Over the last three years, Avon Products have been implementing its turnaround plan through various strategic initiatives, including: restructuring plan, product line simplification program (PLS), strategic sourcing initiative (SSI) and investment in advertising and sales representatives. Among other things the company does well are: Diversification through acquisition Distribution strategy and brand image High technology and innovation Economic Empowerment Philanthropy 3. Industry Analysis 3.1 Industry Definition, structure and major competitors The US personal care products industry includes about 800 companies with combined annual revenue of $50 billion. Major companies include Estee Lauder, Johnson Johnson, and Procter Gamble. The industry is concentrated: the 50 largest firms account for about 70 percent of industry revenue. There are 28,001 companies in this industry with the US personal income driving consumer demand for personal care products  [4]  . Company Sales Location The Protecter Gamble Company 78,938.00M Cincinnati, OH LOreal SA 25,041.73M Clichy, France Kimberly-Clark Corporation 19,115.00M Irving, TX Colgate-Palmolive Company 15,327.00M New York, NY Kao Corporation 12,777.13M Tokyo, Japan Source: 3.2 Industry Growth and Profitability Market moves over the last two years have clearly been extraordinary. The forecast call for a continued, gradual recovery in demand from developed markets with emerging economies faring better. The personal and disposable personal incomes are the main drivers of this sector. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, July 2010, Personal income increased $30.0 billion, or 0.2 percent, and disposable personal income (DPI) increased $17.6 billion, or 0.2 percent, Personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased $44.1 billion, or 0.4 percent. Table 3.2 Personal and Disposable Personal Income 2010 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. (Percent change from preceding month) Personal income, current dollars 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.5 Disposable personal income: Current dollars 0.1 0.0 0.5 -0.1 0.4 Chained (2005) dollars 0.2 -0.2 0.3 -0.2 0.3 Personal consumption expenditures: Current dollars 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.4 Chained (2005) dollars 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce. July, 2010 3.3 Pest Analysis of External Factors Affecting the Industry 3.31 Political Factors These include the form of government, role of government whether as a participator or a facilitator or a regulator, political stability and risk, consumer protection, employment law, election, competitive regulations, industry-specific regulations, environmental regulations, understanding cultural differences, government structures, governmental leadership, political trends, taxes, terrorism and war. Avon Products is majorly affected by government tax and industry specifications. Different countries have different regulations with taxes. Political and legal systems of different countries have important implications for Avon Products. Sometimes, the political system changes quickly, throwing the company into crisis and at other hand, it evolve more slowly. Countries Over 30 Hongkong 25.25 China 17.37 United Kingdom 25.69 United States 26.26 Singapore 25.24 Thailand 16.42 Norway 28.19 Canada 27.80 Japan 24.65 Russia 14.66 Source: 3.3.2 Economic Factors In various countries, economic growth trends differs, government spending levels, taxation, disposable income, exchange rates, tariffs, inflation, job growth/unemployment, consumer confidence index, import/export ratios, and production levels. Avon has experienced fluctuating growth; its said to largely depend on economic conditions and disposable household income levels. A higher disposable income will definitely increase spending pattern. 3.3.3 Social Factors These include race, family size, age, gender, lifestyle changes, population shifts, education, trends, fads, diversity, immigration/emigration, health, living standards, housing trends, fashion, attitudes to work, leisure activities, occupations, and earning capacity. Since Avon major source of Revenue is on Beauty products which is mainly used by women, the company stands the chance of increasing revenue all things being equal. A higher taste or lifestyle to substitute products like Mary Kay may affect the company revenue. 3.3.4 Technological Factors These are factors that enable innovative and creative ideas that make Avon to compete and meet customers needs. These include Inventions, new discoveries, research, energy uses/sources/fuels, communications, rates of obsolescence, health (pharmaceutical, equipment, etc.), manufacturing advances, information technology, internet, transportation, bio-tech, genetics, agric-tech, waste removal/recycling, and so on, all these and many more need to be improved upon continually. As technology advances, there is need to ensure compliance and engage in more research in an attempt to increase the quality of the products. The company should keep the analysis of past developments separate from that of the present situation and future trends 3.4 Porters five forces of Analysis Competition 3.4.1 Threat of new Entrants: Low Being a household name for some years, the threat of new entrants can be said to be low. Consumers who are serviced in this industry tend to stick with long and experienced 3.4.2 Threat of Substitutes: High There are several substitutes to Avon products by its competitors in the market. A slight change or below standard can push customers to buy other products. 3.4.3 Bargaining Powers of supplier: Low 3.4.4 Bargaining Power of Customer: Low Customers who are mainly women often dont mind price(s) as long as they have value for money spent. Rather than customers fixing price, Avon does. 3.4.5 Rivalry among Competing Firms: High This is really high. Mary Kay among several others is in high competition with Avon. 3.5 Summary Bargaining power of buyers Low Competitive Rivalry within an Industry High Threat of Substitute Products High Threat of new Entry- Low Low Bargaining power of suppliers Low 4. Economic Outlook 4.1 Global Outlook The last three quarters have been impressive with the companys operating performance and its key credit measurements are improving. Avon is envisaged to continue to have conservative stances with its liquidity and share repurchases. Avon innovative ideas has earned its performance very well relative to its consumer products peer group and remains one of the best geographically positioned companies to gain from emerging market growth over the next several years. Avon is in the midst of a restructuring that includes cutting jobs and trimming overhead. It has concentrated on recruiting independent sellers, as well as broadening its assortment of less-expensive items, including products under $5, to drive sales. It is also growing sales in emerging markets. The recession affected the manufacturers of beauty products fairly well, due to large part to their vast product range. While demand for cosmetics stumbled some are considered essentials and were mostly resistant to the downturn. The economic recovery will push the industry back to steady growth, as improving disposable incomes allow consumers to spend more on nonessentials like makeup. Meanwhile, manufacturers will expand both their product lines and geographic reach to take advantage of new market opportunities  [5]  . 4.2 Regional Outlook Avon is on a course of action to deliver strong quarterly growth, although the US market is likely to prove the exclusion to regional growth in view of the tough conditions there. The worlds leading direct sales cosmetic company increased revenue by 8 per cent for the first quarter in dollar terms, while the continuing weakness of the dollar will mean that revenues will rise by 5 per cent in local currencies. Based on region, Avon revenue is projected to leap and operating profit forecast to be up. Internationally, Latin Americas revenue is projected to increase at a double-digit rate and operating profit forecast to grow in line with or slightly ahead of revenue, reflecting a strong performance in both the Brazil and Argentina markets. Europes revenue and operating profit are expected to increase in the ranges of 10 per cent and 15 per cent, respectively. Growth in this region is continuing to focus on the central and eastern European markets. Operating profit is expected to be more than 25% in the Asia Pacific region. 4.3 Local Outlook Avon overall growth is being driven by sales of beauty products, which are expected to increase more and more particularly the Anti-aging skincare Product. The company feels it is also a reflection of its successful new product launches and continuing commitment to invest significant resources to support its brand-building strategies. Also, the company expects increase number of active representative to positively impact on sales. 4.4 Summary There is strong growth and improving profitability as the global outlook becomes Stable from Negative. 5. Ten-year pro forma forecast 5.1 Underlying Assumptions Avon had $650 million Agreement with Silpada. The company designs is the worlds largest and fastest-growing sterling silver jewellery home party company which is expected to generate revenue from 2015  [6]  . Focus on emerging markets such as Brazil, China, Colombia, Russia, Turkey, and Venezuela, aiming for high market share and brand recognition in these markets. The only positive regional revenue growth the company had been in the Latin America and China at 5.6% and 0.7%  [7]  . For example, China re-licensed Avon for direct-selling, which allowed Avons revenues from China to increase rapidly from 2006 to 2008. The total revenue from China rose from $212 million in 2006 to $353 million in 2009  [8]  . Similar situations may arise in Avons other emerging market segments. Increased cost of production and Companies are also focused on controlling their operating margins in order to maximize their profits. While advertising and commodity costs have been rising, efficient production has been useful in reducing margins. A takeover Rumour by LOreal expand in emerging markets, particularly in Latin America  [9]   First quarter for the year ended March 31st, 2010.  [10]  Avons net income was $43 million, a 64% decrease from Q1 FY 2009 net income of $117 million. The decrease was mainly caused by AVPs effective tax rate being a 66.1% due to the devaluation of Venezuelan currency. Excluding this negative impact, net income was actually $144 million. Total revenue increased 14% to $2.5 billion. The number of active representatives grew by 6% as the recessionary environment attracted many unemployed people to Avons independent selling business strategy. Additionally, the companys Beauty segment grew by 14%. Avon had mixed sales results internationally, as it had a 2% sales decline in North America, a 22% sales increase in Latin America, a 31% sales decrease in China, a 28% sales increase in Eastern Europe, and a 23% sales increase in Western Europe and Africa. The company spent $96 million on advertising a 23% increase from the same quarter last year. Second quarter for the year ended 30th June, 2010, Q2 FY 2010.  [11]  The companys Net Income was $167.6 million more than double the year-ago quarter value of $82.9 million. Net sales rose 8% to $2.68 billion. Sales in all of the companys product categories increased with 16% growth in perfume and 12% growth in color cosmetics. Avon increased advertising in the quarter to $97 million, up 19% from the prior year quarter. The company increased advertising mainly in Latin America. Geographically, Avons revenue increased 16% in Latin America from strength in Brazil and Mexico. Sales in North America remained flat. Important to note is Other Income for the quarter in review shows a deficit of usd 100m.  [12]   Third quarter for the year ended September 30th, 2010 Avons net income increased 7% to $167 million. The higher costs are due to advertising and weak sales from markets like china and Brazil. Net Revenue increased 4% to $2.66 billion, compared to $2.56 billion in the prior year quarter. The company benefited from higher sales in Latin America (8% growth) and Western Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (11% growth). However, sales in North America remained stagnant with a 2% decline in growth and sales in China fell by 30% as Avon tries to transition away from retail stores in the region in favor of a direct selling method that it uses in its other markets. Advertising costs increased 36% as the company promoted its fragrances as well as its two new product categories hair and acne  [13]  .

Friday, September 20, 2019

Dell Computer Supply Chain Management Essay -- Business Management

Dell Computer Supply Chain Management Table of Contents Executive Summary  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3 Focus of the Proposal  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4 Research and Analysis: Dell ¡Ã‚ ¯s Competitive Advantage  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   6 Dell ¡Ã‚ ¯s IT Tools  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   9 Dell ¡Ã‚ ¯s Business Model  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  14 Dell ¡Ã‚ ¯s IT Infrastructure  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  18 Our Recommendations&nbs... ...bsp;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Dell courts customers online. Industry Week. April 3, 2000, Retrieved, April 4, 2004. Internet World. May 15, 2001, Retrieved, April 6, 2004. Dell speeds web site hosting setup, expands option; lower prices, availability of PowerApp servers broadens DellHost services. Edge: Work-Group Computing Report. May 22, 2000, Retrieved, April 5, 2004. Dell selects Altiris recover solution to provide desktop and notebook customers with integrated backup and disaster recovery. EDP Weekly's IT Monitor. August 18, 2003, Retrieved, April 5, 2004. New Servers: Dell defines a new combination of power and value with PowerEdge 1300 workgroup server. EDGE: Work-Group Computing Report, Retrieved, April 6, 2004.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Aristotle and John Wesley: On Being Truly Human :: Essays Papers

Aristotle and John Wesley: On Being Truly Human Many ideas presented by John Wesley are similar to those presented by Aristotle. These similarities become apparent in various areas, especially in the idea that each person has potential that can be actualized. Because these similarities are apparent, the thoughts of Aristotle can easily be employed to assist in understanding many of Wesley's thoughts. Specifically, the discussion of virtue presented in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics can assist one in understanding Wesley's ideas of affections and tempers, the process of Christian perfection, means of grace, and the importance of community. Aristotle Before moving on to discuss the similarities between the thought of John Wesley and of Aristotle, it is essential to understand many basic Aristotelian concepts. Prevalent in many of his works, Aristotle discusses how objects can change. In the Metaphysics and On the Soul, Aristotle presents his idea of the four causes, including material cause, formal cause, efficient cause, and final cause (Robinson: 15-22). Employing the illustration of a potter molding a clay mug, the material cause is the clay, the basic matter that is the subject of the change. As the clay undergoes the process of being molded, it is being made into a specific shape that has specific functions. This shape and function is called the form or formal cause of the object. In this case, the clay is changing into the form of a mug that is purposed to hold liquids. It should be noted that material is never without form. Before the clay was changed into the form of a mug, it was in the form of a lump of clay tha t has its own specified function. Each time matter undergoes change there is an agent responsible for the process. The agent is the efficient cause. In this case, the potter is responsible for transforming the clay matter into the mug form. The final cause, or the end, occurs when the matter is made into a particular form. Although every object has many intermediate ends, all these ends lead to a single ultimate end. The mug, for instance, can be used as a paperweight or as a decoration, but the ultimate end that is suitable for the mug form is to be an object that holds liquid. The process of an object functioning appropriately to its form, which is the actualization of its potential, is aimed at attaining this ultimate end. Aristotle and John Wesley: On Being Truly Human :: Essays Papers Aristotle and John Wesley: On Being Truly Human Many ideas presented by John Wesley are similar to those presented by Aristotle. These similarities become apparent in various areas, especially in the idea that each person has potential that can be actualized. Because these similarities are apparent, the thoughts of Aristotle can easily be employed to assist in understanding many of Wesley's thoughts. Specifically, the discussion of virtue presented in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics can assist one in understanding Wesley's ideas of affections and tempers, the process of Christian perfection, means of grace, and the importance of community. Aristotle Before moving on to discuss the similarities between the thought of John Wesley and of Aristotle, it is essential to understand many basic Aristotelian concepts. Prevalent in many of his works, Aristotle discusses how objects can change. In the Metaphysics and On the Soul, Aristotle presents his idea of the four causes, including material cause, formal cause, efficient cause, and final cause (Robinson: 15-22). Employing the illustration of a potter molding a clay mug, the material cause is the clay, the basic matter that is the subject of the change. As the clay undergoes the process of being molded, it is being made into a specific shape that has specific functions. This shape and function is called the form or formal cause of the object. In this case, the clay is changing into the form of a mug that is purposed to hold liquids. It should be noted that material is never without form. Before the clay was changed into the form of a mug, it was in the form of a lump of clay tha t has its own specified function. Each time matter undergoes change there is an agent responsible for the process. The agent is the efficient cause. In this case, the potter is responsible for transforming the clay matter into the mug form. The final cause, or the end, occurs when the matter is made into a particular form. Although every object has many intermediate ends, all these ends lead to a single ultimate end. The mug, for instance, can be used as a paperweight or as a decoration, but the ultimate end that is suitable for the mug form is to be an object that holds liquid. The process of an object functioning appropriately to its form, which is the actualization of its potential, is aimed at attaining this ultimate end.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Trypanosoma cruzi :: Essays Papers

Trypanosoma cruzi Life History: Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan parasite, is the causative agent of Chagas disease. It is most commonly found among people, dogs, cats, and wild mammals in Central and South America, especially in rural communities where people reside in houses constructed from mud or thatch. The vector is the reduviid or kissing bug, which lives in the cracks of buildings and substandard houses8. Often substandard housing/living conditions are shown to have these structural fractures, which provide suitable habitats for reduviid bugs. The reduviid bug transmits T. cruzi by rubbing its own contaminated feces into an abrasion (wound or bug bite) or a mucous membrane of the host. Two other modes of infection are blood transfusions/organ transplants and perinatal/vertical transfer from mother to child3. In addition, there have been reports that infections originated from undercooked food that was contaminated8. The life cycle of T. cruzi: The vector, reduviid bug, bites and defecates on host. Parasites, in the form of trypomastigotes, are able to enter the blood via mucous membranes or a cut. During cell invasion, the trypomastigotes transform into amastigotes and undergo multiplication. Parasites are then released into the blood stream as trypomastigotes where they either spread to other tissues or are taken up by the vector to perpetuate the life cycle2. Chagas disease: Chagas disease exists in three stages: acute, indeterminate, and chronic. 1. The acute stage manifests shortly after infection from a bite or alternate mode of transmission and is generally found in only 1% of reported cases8. Although it is often asymptomatic, symptoms can include Romaà ±a’s sign (one swollen eye), fever, fatigue, enlarged liver/spleen, swollen lymph nodes, rash, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting. In adults, these symptoms generally subside within 4-8 weeks and may or may not require treatment. Very young children are a concern because they may sustain severe brain damage or die as a result of infection8. 2. The indeterminate stage may also be asymptomatic. Onset of this stage is reported about 8-10 weeks following infection and may persist for years. 3. The chronic stage is the most severe and the most common manifestation of Chagas disease. Chronic Chagas disease usually presents itself 10-40 years after infection, in about 30% of infected individuals. On average, developing this class of Chagas

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Jefferson vs Hamilton

Jefferson vs. Hamilton Democratic Republican vs. Federalist Jefferson Image Jefferson acted with democratic simplicity; he made his image plain and disliked people claiming positions that they didn’t deserve. He won the 1804 reelection easily Jefferson eliminated the feeling of majesty surrounding presidency Views He was a political genius, and worked as leader of his party to give the Republicans in Congress direction. Money Washington and Adams had increased national debt and taxation.Jefferson countered this in 1802 by having Congress get rid off all internal taxes, leaving only land sales and customs duties He also cut government spending, which resulted in cutting the debt in half. Military Jefferson scaled down the armed forces and the navy, because he feared limiting civilian freedoms and government. This also promoted overseas trade instead of agriculture. At same time, he established US Military Academy and built up the navy after threats by pasha of Tripoli (rulers i n Libya), which occurred because Jefferson’s end to paying ransom demanded by pirates.Social Composition Jeffersonians, for the most part, were artisans, shopkeepers, frontier settlers, or owners of small farms in the interior regions of the South and West. Government (Democratic Republican) Jeffersonians favored a form of government that was more democratic than that of England. Jeffersonians thought that the common people were capable of self-government. They wanted to establish a small property owner's democracy. Jeffersonians desired to increase the opportunities for the common people to participate in government by lowering voting qualifications.Jeffersonians favored a strict interpretation of the Constitution to limit the powers of the central government and conserve state rights. Jeffersonians wanted to reduce the number of federal officeholders. Hamiltonians Social Composition Hamiltonians, for the most part, were merchants, bankers, manufacturers, or professional men from New England and the Atlantic seaboard, along with some wealthy farmers and southern planters. Government (Federalists)Hamiltonians admired the English aristocracy and the English system of government and wished to see it used as a model. Hamiltonians considered the common people ignorant and incapable of self-government. Hamiltonians desired high voting qualifications, claiming that unfettered democracy was anarchy. Hamiltonians favored a broad interpretation of the Constitution to strengthen the central government at the expense of state's rights. Hamiltonians wanted an expanding bureaucracy. Hamiltonians, under certain circumstances, favored restrictions on speech and the press. Issue |Hamilton |Jefferson | |BUS ( Bank of the United States) |Yes |No | |Constitution Interpretation |Broad |Strict | |Tariff |Yes |No | |Region |North |South | |Federalism |Strong National Government |States | |Culture |Urban/Industrial |Farmers/Agrarian | |Whiskey Rebellion |Vote |Civil Disobedie nce | |Foreign Alliance (England/France) |England |France | |French Revolution |No |Yes |

Monday, September 16, 2019

Seven Layer Denisty

The Seven Layer Density Column By Nicia Buttner Grade 8 Table of Contents: Statement of purpose†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2 Hypothesis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 3 Research†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 4 Materials†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5 Procedure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 Observation and results†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 8 Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9 Acknowledgements†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 Page 2 The purpose of this experiment is to compare the different densities of different liquids. Density is a comparison between an object's mass and volume. Density = Mass divided by Volume.If the weight (or mass) of something increases but the volume stays the same, the density has to go up. If the mass decreases but the volume stays the same, the density has to go down. This experiment will show how the weight of certain liquids react to each other. Page 3 The seven liquids I have chosen for the experiment have different weights and textures. My hypothesis is that the liquids that have more de nsity, even though I am using the same amount of liquid, will be on the bottom of the column. The liquids that are less dense will then layer on top of the more dense liquid.They will create a layer of seven different liquids one on top of the other. Page 4 Most of the research I did for this experiment was online. I found a lot of different information about the densities of different liquids. One web site that was most helpful was stevespanglerscience. com. I learned how different liquids have different densities. The same amount of oil has a different density than the same amount of water, for example. I also watched a video on youtube. com showing how the experiment works. Some liquids that have different densities are baby oil, vegetable oil, water, milk, dawn dish soap and maple syrup.Each one can be measured out in the same amount, but will have different densities. Page 5 The materials I used for the project are simple everyday products you use around the house. The containe r I used was bought at Walmart and is used for holding spaghetti. The other materials I used are: Light Karo syrup Water Vegetable oil Dawn dish soap (blue) Rubbing alcohol Lamp oil Honey Food Coloring or True Color Coloring Tablets Food baster 9 oz portion cups Page 6 1. Measure 8 ounces of each type of liquid into the 9 ounce portion cups. You may want to color each of the liquids to make a more dramatic effect in your column.Light Karo syrup is easier to color than dark syrup. The only liquids that you may not be able to color are the vegetable oil and the honey. 2. Start your column by pouring the honey into the cylinder. Now, you will pour each liquid SLOWLY into the container, one at a time. It is very important to pour the liquids slowly and into the center of the cylinder. Make sure that the liquids do not touch the sides of the cylinder while you are pouring. It’s okay if the liquids mix a little as you are pouring. The layers will always even themselves out because of the varying densities. Make sure you pour the liquids in the following order: HoneyKaro syrup Dish soap Water Vegetable oil Rubbing alcohol Lamp oil 3. As you pour, the liquids will layer on top of one another. After you pour in the liquids you will have a seven-layer science experiment. Page 7 What I observed was that the different liquids were able to float on top of one another. The most dense liquid stayed at the bottom starting with the honey. The least dense liquid was at the top and that was the lamp oil. Page 8 All these different liquids have different densities. The honey stayed at the bottom because it had the highest density of all the liquids. Each liquid sed after the honey had a little bit less density and that’s why they were able to layer on top of one another. Because the lamp oil had the least amount of density it was on the very top of all the other liquids. This experiment showed how liquids can have equal measurement, but different densities. Page 9 R esources I used for this experiment are: Stevespanglerscience. com Chemistry. about. com Google. com Youtube. com (video) Page 10 Acknowledgments I want to thank my mom and dad for their help with my project and research. I also want to thank Mr. Rothering for his help and encouragement.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Change and Culture Case Study Essay

During the past decade the hospital industry has made profound organizational changes, including the extensive consolidation of hospital system through merger and the formation hospital systems (Evans & Gertler, 2012). The rules of health care are changing. Growth is not about just getting bigger. It is about developing all of the components needed for coordinated care and reduced costs. Health system reform has various incentives, such as those related to reducing readmission rates, and establishing an accountable care organization, but qualifying for them requires closer links to other parts of the medical care chain (Breakthroughs -Hospital merger and acquisition strategies, 2012). There is a definite value for growth opportunity through hospital mergers. Mergers occur for several reasons, a desire to increase size, to gain leverage for negotiations with managed care companies, the desire to penetrate new markets to attract additional customers, the need for improved efficiencies resulting from centralized administrative practices, and the desire to express value of promoting readily available comprehensive care. A merger is the combining of two or more corporate entities to create one new organization with one licensure, and one provider number for reimbursement purposes (Liebler & McConnely, 2008). Mergers and acquisitions in health care are increasing in numbers because of the increasing financial, socio-political and managerial challenges of decreasing reimbursement and increasing payor demand for quality-driven, patient-centered and cost-effective services to the community. Restructuring an organization through mergers, and affiliations are characteristic organizational efforts to achieve economies of scale, adapt, and survive. Two such specific reasons include: the need for improved efficiencies through administrative centralization, such as financial, and health information resources streamlining, and marketing intensification, and the desire to promote comprehensive, accessible are by keeping smaller community-based facilities from closing. Valley Care Health System of Ohio consists of the merger between Northside Medical Center, Trumbull Memorial Hospital, and Hillside Rehabilitation Hospital. Valley Care Health System replaced Forum Health name as an affiliate. â€Å"Valley Care sums up our purpose to provide compassionate, quality health care for residents of the Mahoning, and Trumbull Valley† said David Fikse, chief executive officer of Northside Medical Center, and Valley Care Health System.† Each of our hospitals, and health care facilities has its own unique characteristics, but as the same time, we benefit by sharing our knowledge, our best practices, and our strengths across a system of providers† (Valley Care of Ohio, n.d.). Northside Hospital quality scores were down, and the hospital was on the verge of closure before Valley Care Health System purchased it. This essay will discuss the transition of the employees and the impact the merger will have on the culture of the new combined organiz ation and will address how systems will be developed as the new organization takes shape. Trumbull Memorial Hospital and Hillside Rehabilitation Hospital brings us best in class capabilities in inpatient and outpatient services. Blending these companies in a way that maximizes these capabilities and aligns our structure with our long-term strategy is a top priority. First, the managers will need to organize the new organization around the core business needs. These core business needs will form the nucleus of the new combined organization and each business unit will provide resources, decision-making authority, and direct control over matters critical to its success. Because each area is unique, the exact structure of what is contained in each business unit will vary somewhat. Middle management jobs have become more demanding. Technology means middle managers have to do more multi-tasking and are expected to be accessible to their staff. The middle manager of a health care organization that has merged with a competitor faces many challenges. Northside Hospital viewed Trumbull Memorial Hospital and Hillside Rehabilitation Hospital as an enemy that provided good quality of care to the community. Trumbull Memorial Hospital and Hillside Rehabilitation Hospital have very good inpatient and outpatient service programs in place to services the Mahoning and Trumbull County residents. Northside does not have good inpatient and outpatient programs in place. The key is to a successful merger is taking the best of all organizations to form the new organization. The cultural change of a merger between two competing hospitals is a major challenge. Incorporating two organizations into one disrupts operational, functional, and organizational elements at all levels of the organizations involved. This disruption produces stress in all stakeholders, and challenges all to achieve positives results during the transition period and beyond. The higher the change occurs in the hierarch of the organization the greater positive or negative effect on the company. These types of mergers bring about organizational change from the boardroom to the hospital floors, and the impact of integrating two distinct entities with different prior performance, mission, and values has a short and long-term ripple effect throughout the new organization (Evans & Gertler, 2012). An effective manager will foster trust with his or her employees through communication and commitment. A managers’ goal is to maintain a supportive role with the employees without causing chaos. The encouragement of employee participation will make he or she more likely to comply with changes because he or she will own part of the changes. Each organization has its own way of doing business. Employees are used to the way their organization currently works. However, job descriptions, and roles of many hospital employees will change as a result of the merger. Many challenges occur when a merger occurs; especially when it occurs among competitors merge two different organizations into one facility per se disrupts the operation and functionality on all levels involved within the organization. During this transaction, it is an opportunity to combine many knowledgeable individuals, introduce new styles of performing tasks, and introduce different styles of performance. Enhancing meaningful learning by integrating technology into instructional design is central to this project. The most influential theory associated with this process is the cognitive theory of multimedia learning proposed by Mayer (1997). It is based on the theory that humans have two ways or â€Å"channels† of processing information, auditory, and visual, otherwise known as the dual channel assumption. By leveraging both of these means, and by building both of these c onnections between multiple representations of the same information meaningful learning is more likely to occur (Ofverstorm, n.d.). Hence, hospitals are trying to cut costs and deliver care more efficiently, a goal of the 2010 federal health care overhaul; however some mergers can lock up local markets, leading to higher prices for patients and insurance companies with few other places to turn. This is known as an anticompetitive hospital merger (Kendall, 2012). ProMedica Health System, of Toledo, Ohio, tried to attempt a merger of this kind when they went after St Luke’s Hospital in Toledo, Ohio. The Federal Trade Commission ruled that this would eliminate competition in the Toledo Market therefore the acquisition was denied. Middle managers need to support the employees in handling of uncertainty, provide information, and struggle with changing the behaviors of the employees. A middle manager also experiences some individual complications, such as loss of network and reduces in responsibilities. Because middle managers are the carriers of the information, they have to deal with pressure within the organization, partly from the higher management and partly from the employees and manager below him or her. Employees affected by an organizational change require answers to reduce their uncertainty that has occurred with the reform. Employees may also intentionally or unintentionally work against the organizational change, which clashes with top management’s intentions and plans. The dilemma for the middle managers is that they have a large responsibility to execute the strategies put up by the top management, but have no actual authority over these strategic decisions that affects middle management and the employees. Those problems are particularly evident in mergers and acquisitions, which are seen as most dazing organizational changes (Ofverstorm, n.d.). References Breakthroughs -Hospital merger and acquisition strategies. (2012). Retrieved from Evans, A., & Gertler, P. (2012). Trends In Hospital Consolidation: The formation of local systems. Retrieved from Kendall, B. (2012). Regulators Seek to Cool Hospital-Deal fever Retrieved from Liebler, J., & McConnely, C. (2008). Management Principles for Health Professionals (5th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and BArtlett. Ofverstorm, A. (n.d.). A Middle Manager’s Dilemma in Mergers. Retrieved from Valley Care of Ohio. (n.d.). Valley Care Health System of Ohio. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Succubus Blues CHAPTER 25

Sometimes you wake up from a dream. Sometimes you wake up in a dream. And sometimes, every once in a while, you wake up in someone else's dream. â€Å"If he wanted to carry me off and make me his love slave, I'd do it, so long as I got advance copies of his books.† My first words spoken to Seth as I passionately discussed his work. Seth's initial impression of me. Head held high, hair tossed over my shoulder. A flippant remark always at the ready. Grace under fire. A cool social confidence introverted Seth could never muster but envied. How can she do that? Never miss a beat? Later, my rambling explanation of the five-page rule, a goofy habit he found infinitely endearing. Someone else who appreciated literature, viewing it like fine wine. Smart and deep. And beautiful. Yes, beautiful. I saw myself now as Seth had seen me that night: the short skirt, the racy purple top, brilliant as a bird's plumage. Like some exotic creature, hopelessly out of place in the bookstore's dreary landscape. All of this was in Seth, the past of his growing feelings for me mingling with the present, and I drank everything up. Not just beautiful. Sexy. Sensual. A goddess made flesh whose every move hinted at passion to come. The dress strap slipping off my shoulder. Faint beads of perspiration on my cleavage. Standing in his kitchen, clad only in that ridiculous Black Sabbath shirt. No underwear on under that. Wonder what it'd be like to wake up with her next to me, messy and untamed. It all spilled into me. More and more. He would watch me at the bookstore. Loved watching me interact with customers. Loved that I seemed to know something about everything. The witty dialogue he pondered for his characters coming to my lips without hesitation. Amazing. Never met anyone who talks like that in real life. My bartering with the used book store owner. A charisma that drew in shy, quiet Seth, made me glow in his eyes. Made him feel more confident. Still his feelings rushed through me. I had never felt anything like it. Certainly I had felt attraction and fondness in my victims, but never such love, not directed at me. Seth thought I was sexy, yes. Desired me. But that raw lust juxtaposed with something softer too. Something sweeter. Kayla sitting on my lap, small blond head against my chest as I braided her hair. A brief shifting of the image as he momentarily considered his own daughter on my lap. Fierce and witty on one hand, gentle and vulnerable on the other. My inebriated state at his condo. A swell of protectiveness as he led me to bed, watching me hours after I'd gone to sleep. He thought no less of me for the weakness, for my lapse of control and judgment. It was a letting down of my walls for him, a sign of imperfection that made him love me more. Further and further I drank, my desperate and weakened state unable to stop. â€Å"Why doesn't she date?† Seth asked Cody. Cody? Yes, there he was, in the back of Seth's mind. A memory. Cody secretly giving Seth swing lessons, neither of them telling me, instead making up vague excuses for why they always had to be â€Å"somewhere.† Seth, trying so hard to make his feet obey so he could dance with me and be closer to me. â€Å"She's afraid,† the vampire replied. â€Å"She thinks love causes pain.† Love causes pain. Yes, Seth loved me. Not the crush I'd imagined. Not a superficial attraction I thought I'd dissuaded. It was more, so much more. I embodied everything in a woman he could ever imagine: humor, beauty, intelligence, kindness, strength, charisma, sexuality, compassion†¦ His soul seemed to have recognized mine, drawn uncontrollably toward me. He loved me with a depth of feeling I could not even begin to tap into, though believe me, I tried. I wanted it. I wanted to feel it all, to suck up that burning within him. To consume it. Set myself on fire with it. Georgina! Somewhere far away, someone called to me, but I was too into Seth. Too into absorbing that strength within him, that strength fused with his feelings for me. Feelings brought on, amplified even, by kissing. Lips soft and eager. Hungry. Demanding. Georgina! I wanted to become one with Seth. I needed to. I needed him to fill me up†¦ physically, mentally, spiritually. There was something there†¦ something concealed inside him I couldn't quite reach, hovering in the background. A tantalizing piece of knowledge I should have long since recognized. You are my life. I needed to get in farther, reach out for more. Find out what was hiding from me. That kiss was my lifeline, my connection with something bigger than myself, something I had been aching for all my life but never known. I couldn't stop. Couldn't stop kissing Seth. Couldn't stop. Couldn't – â€Å"Georgina! Let go!† Rough hands tore me away from Seth, like flesh ripping from my own body. I cried out in agony at the broken connection, fighting the hands that pulled me and held me. I clawed at my captor, needing to find out the secret lurking beyond that kiss, yearning for the completeness of that union with Seth – Seth. My hands dropped, and I blinked, bringing the world back into focus. Reality. I was no longer inside Seth's head; I was still in my apartment. A feeling of solidness settled in me, and I didn't have to look down to know my body had stopped its shifting, my form snapping back to a short, slim woman with honeyed brown hair. The girl I had been long ago was buried within me once more, never to come out if I could help it. Seth's life force now filled me to overflowing. â€Å"Georgina,† murmured Hugh behind me, letting his hands ease up on my arms. â€Å"Christ, you scared me.† Looking across the room, I saw Carter, bedraggled as usual, leaning over Seth's body. â€Å"Oh God – † I sprang up and moved to them, kneeling beside the angel. Seth lay on the floor, skin pale and clammy. â€Å"Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Is he†¦ ?† â€Å"He's alive,† Carter told me. â€Å"Barely.† Stroking Seth's cheek, feeling the fine golden-red haze of his near-beard, I felt tears brimming in my eyes. His breathing came shallow and jagged. â€Å"I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to take so much†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"You did what you had to do. You were in bad shape, could have died.† â€Å"And now Seth might†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Carter shook his head. â€Å"No. He won't. He'll need recovery time, but he'll pull through.† I drew my hand back, half-afraid my touch might harm Seth more. Glancing around, I became aware of the disheveled state of my apartment. It looked worse than Jerome's. Smashed china and glass. Broken tables. Overturned chairs and couch. The unstable bookshelf in pieces at last. From the kitchen, Aubrey hunkered down under the kitchen table, wondering what was going on. I wondered myself. The nephilim were nowhere in sight. What had happened? Had I really missed it all? The epic, divine battle of the century, and I had missed it for a kiss? Admittedly, a really good kiss, but still†¦ â€Å"Where is†¦ everyone else?† â€Å"Jerome's off doing, uh, damage control with your neighbors.† â€Å"That doesn't sound good.† â€Å"Standard practice. Supernatural battles aren't exactly quiet, you know. He'll do a little mind erasing, make sure no authorities get notified.† I swallowed, afraid to ask my next question. â€Å"What about†¦ what about the nephilim ?† Carter studied me, gray eyes holding me long and hard. â€Å"I know, I know,† I said at last, looking down, unable to return that gaze. â€Å"There's no ten years and parole, right? You destroyed them.† â€Å"We destroyed†¦ one of them.† I looked up sharply. â€Å"What? What about the other one?† â€Å"He got away.† He.My looming tears slipped out now; I could not control them. For you, I'll walk away. â€Å"How?† Carter laid a hand on Seth's forehead as though taking vital stats and then turned back to me. â€Å"It all happened really fast. He masked and went invisible in the confusion, while we were taking on the other one. And honestly†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The angel looked at my closed front door, then at Hugh and me. â€Å"What?† I whispered. â€Å"I'm not†¦ I'm not entirely convinced Jerome didn't let him get away. He wasn't expecting two. I wasn't either, though I should have, in retrospect. After killing the first one†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Carter shrugged. â€Å"I don't know. Hard to say what happened. â€Å" â€Å"Then he'll be back,† I realized, fear and relief blending weirdly in me over the thought of Roman's escape. â€Å"He'll be back†¦ and he won't be happy with me.† â€Å"I don't think that'll be a problem,† the angel observed. Gently, he lifted Seth up and walked to my overturned couch. A moment later, it flipped over untouched, righting itself. Carter laid Seth on it and continued speaking. â€Å"He took a real beating – the other nephilim. A really bad beating. I can't believe he had the power left to hide himself from us; I still keep expecting to feel him again any minute. If he's smart, he's running as fast and far from us as he can right now, getting out of our range – out of any immortal's range – so he can drop his shields and rest.† â€Å"Then what?† asked Hugh. â€Å"He's in bad shape. It'll take him a long time to recover. When he does, he knows he doesn't have the backup to return here again.† â€Å"He could still take on me,† I noted, shivering as I remembered Roman's wrath toward me at the end. It was hard to believe we'd been wrapped in each other's arms, caught in the throes of passion, less than twenty-four hours ago. â€Å"He could take you on,† agreed Carter. â€Å"But he can't take me on. Or Jerome. He certainly can't take both of us on. That was what decided it, in the end. They didn't expect that. Us teamed together. It'll give him pause to just come bursting back here, even if you alone pose no threat.† I didn't find that reassuring in the least. I thought of Roman, passionate and rebellious, always eager to make a point against the system. That personality type lent itself well to revenge. I had tricked him, made love to him, and then betrayed him, resulting in the annihilation of his plans – and his sister. Thank God for my sister. She's the only one I have, the only mainstay in my life. He might pause, as Carter had suggested, but not for long. Of that, I was certain. â€Å"He'll be back,† I whispered, more to myself. â€Å"Someday he'll be back.† Carter gave me a steady look. â€Å"Then we will deal with him then.† My front door opened, and Jerome entered. He looked neat and prim, hardly like he'd just been in an apocalyptic battle with his own offspring. â€Å"Housekeeping all done?† asked Carter. â€Å"Yes.† The demon's eyes darted over to Seth. â€Å"He's alive?† â€Å"Yes.† Angel and demon locked eyes then, and a tense moment of palpable silence hung between them. â€Å"How fortuitously unexpected,† Jerome murmured at last. â€Å"I could have sworn he was dead. Well. Miracles happen every day. I suppose we'll have to wipe him now.† I stood up. â€Å"What are you talking about?† â€Å"Nice to have you back with us again, Georgie. You look lovely, by the way.† I glared at him, angry at his joke, knowing it was Seth's energy giving me the succubus glamour now. â€Å"What do you mean you have to ‘wipe' him?† â€Å"What do you think? We can't let him walk away after everything he's seen. I'll diminish a little of his affection for you while I'm at it; he's a liability to you.† â€Å"What? No. You can't do that.† Jerome sighed, putting on the look of one who suffered long and hard. â€Å"Georgina, do you have any idea what he was just exposed to? He has to be wiped. We can't let him know about us.† â€Å"How much of me will you take from him?† Pieces of Seth's memories – my memories, now – glittered in my head like jewels. â€Å"Enough so that he forgets he has any more than a passing knowledge of you. You've been even more negligent with your job than usual these last few weeks.† I hardly thought that was Seth's fault; Roman had helped too. â€Å"Both of you will function much better if he finds some mortal woman to obsess on instead.† Don't you want to stand out in some way? Carter's taunting question from what seemed like an eternity ago whispered in my head. â€Å"You don't have to do this. You don't have to take me out with the rest.† â€Å"If I'm already in there, I might as well clear you too. There's no way he can just go on as usual after being exposed to denizens of the divine realms. Even you have to agree with that.† â€Å"Some mortals know about us,† I argued. â€Å"Like Erik. Erik knows, and he keeps it to himself.† In fact, I realized suddenly, Erik had kept Helena's secret to himself as well. He had figured it out after working with her over the years but had never revealed the full truth, only doling out small clues for me. â€Å"Erik is a special case. He has a gift. An ordinary mortal like this one couldn't handle it.† Jerome walked over to my couch, looking at Seth dispassionately. â€Å"It's better this way.† â€Å"No. Please,† I cried, running over to Jerome and pulling his sleeve. â€Å"Please don't.† The archdemon turned to me, dark eyes cold and shocked that I would dare grab hold of him like that. I knew then, cringing under that gaze, that something in our fond, indulgent relationship had changed forever – something small, but important nonetheless. I didn't know what had done it. Maybe it had been Seth. Maybe it had been Roman. Maybe it had been something else altogether. All I knew was that it had happened. â€Å"Please,† I begged, ignoring how desperate I must sound. â€Å"Please don't. Don't take me from him†¦ out of his head like that. I'll do anything you want. Anything.† I brushed a hand over my eyes, attempting to look calm and in control, knowing I was failing. One eyebrow shifted ever so slightly on Jerome's face, the only hint that I had piqued his interest. The term â€Å"deal with the devil† had not arisen lightly; few demons could resist a bargain. â€Å"What could you possibly offer me? The sex thing only worked on my son, so don't even think about trying it now.† â€Å"Yes,† I agreed, voice growing stronger as I plunged forward. â€Å"It worked on him. It works on all sorts of men. I'm good, Jerome. Better than you know. Why do you think I'm the only succubus in this city? It's because I'm one of the best. Before I hit this funk†¦ this, I don't know, whatever mood I've been in for a while now, I could have any man I wanted. And not just simply for their strength and life force. I could manipulate them. Make them do anything I asked, talk them into acts of sin they never would have dreamed of before meeting me. And they would do it. They'd do it, and they'd like doing it.† â€Å"Go on.† I took a deep breath. â€Å"You're tired of the ‘all lowlifes, all the time,' right? Me being negligent? Well, I can change that. I can raise your stock higher than you've ever dreamed. I've done it before. All you have to do is let Seth go. Let him keep his memories intact. All of them.† Jerome studied me a moment, mind working. â€Å"All the ‘stock' in the world won't do me any good if he runs around blathering about what he's seen.† â€Å"Then we'll see if he can handle it first. When he recovers and wakes up, we'll talk to him. If he doesn't look like he'll be able to cope with it all†¦ well, then you can erase his memories.† â€Å"Who will make the call if he can cope or not?† I hesitated, not wanting that decision in the demon's hands. â€Å"Carter will. Carter can tell if someone's telling the truth.† I looked at the angel. â€Å"You'll know if it's okay, right? Okay for him to know†¦ about us?† Carter gave me an odd look, one I could not interpret. â€Å"Yes,† he finally admitted. â€Å"What about your end?† asked Jerome. â€Å"Will you hold it up – even if Carter decides he's unsafe?† That was harsh. I had a feeling Jerome wouldn't negotiate on this one, but I was willing to risk it, so confident did I feel about Seth's capacity to process immortal activity. I opened my mouth, about to agree, when I caught Hugh shaking his head at me out of the corner of my eye. Frowning, he tapped his watch, mouthing something I couldn't understand at first. Then, it clicked. Time. I had listened to the imp talk about his job enough to know the rules of negotiation: never make an open-ended deal with a demon. â€Å"If Seth keeps his memories, I'll walk the succubus straight and narrow for a century. If they have to be erased anyway, then I'll still do it for†¦ a third of that.† â€Å"Half,† countered Jerome. â€Å"We aren't mortal. Even a century is nothing on the face of eternity.† â€Å"Half,† I agreed dully, â€Å"but no more than survival dictates. I'm not going to do this every day, if that's what you're thinking. I'll only get fixes as I need them, but they'll be strong ones. Very strong – loaded with sin. With men of good caliber, that'll be†¦ oh, every four to six weeks.† â€Å"I want better than that. Extra credit. Every couple of weeks, whether you need it or not.† I closed my eyes, unable to fight anymore. â€Å"Every couple of weeks.† â€Å"Very well,† said Jerome, a warning note in his voice. â€Å"But you will be held to this agreement unless I choose to terminate it for some reason. Not you. There will be no wiggling out for you.† â€Å"I know. I know, and I accept.† â€Å"Shake then.† He extended his hand to me. Not hesitating, I took it, and power crackled briefly around us. The demon smiled thinly. â€Å"We have a deal.†