Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Science Integration is a better study Research Paper

Science Integration is a better study - Research Paper Example in making the students have a wider perspective of various fields of study, it is very cumbersome for those students who cannot effectively mentally cope with the variety of fields covered in the study (BermuÃŒ dez, 73). Some of the disciplinary perspectives include integrating science in politics, mathematics as well as economics. This makes it difficult for other students to understand some aspects of the course, thereby resulting to Demotivation of such students relevant to the study. Integration of sciences enable for flexibility in course selection relevant to the interests of the students (Slingerland and Mark, 65). In this manner, it is of crucial significance to note that the Integrated Sciences makes it possible for the students to establish their own individual course of study. In this manner, it is of critical importance to note that the integration of science as a study is critical in ensuring that students develop a wider scientific perspectives (BermuÃŒ dez, 38). This is very important in broadening their scope of understanding of the myriad of concepts covered in the study. This is important also in broadening the understanding between the links of science as well as society. In summary, Science Integration is a better study for students. It always focuses on molding students with the vast of knowledge that is necessary for application in various sectors within the society. Integration of sciences is critical in ensuring that the students appreciate the field of science. In addition, it ensures that students critically understand other fields of study involving the political realm, social as well as economic

Monday, October 28, 2019

On Going Home Essay Example for Free

On Going Home Essay Did you ever wonder why some people opt for peace and serenity in the company of friends and colleagues? After reading Joan Didion’s, On Going Home, numerous ideas started to rush through my brain. The experiences I had in my life started to come back to me, like a flashback, with all the emotions coming with them. Yes, I know that my life has always been filled with numerous experiences. These experiences have helped me prepare for the life I am to experience when I grow older. A tragic event in my life led to my growth as an individual. When I was younger, I perceived life to be blissful and full of challenges. The everyday activities helped shape my future , molding me into the good individual that I want to be. I was a relatively good kid. I attended school daily, and achieved impressive grades. I also had friends both in school and in the neighborhood. One of my closest friends was Charlie, my neighbor. Charlie and I have been friends since we were six years old. They were new at that time, and when her parents would go to work, Charlie was left in our house. We did things together, and our differences never made a dent in our friendship. She was the perfect friend, who always knew what to do. I could never imagine going through my life without Charlie by my side. In the summer of junior year, Charlie came over to my house and asked me to join her. I told her I cannot go with her because I was doing my homework, and I had household chores to finish before my parents arrive from work. She said that it was alright, and then she hugged me tight. She told me how much she cherished our friendship and that if ever she died, she will be my angel. She would always watch over me, and guide me to do the right things. I felt shivers come up my spine, and so I asked her what she was up to. She told me that she just wanted me to know how much she cared for me. So she left. Hours past, and still I have not heard anything from Charlie. I continued doing my homework, when I heard shattered glass from downstairs. I was scared, because I was still alone in the house. I quietly went out of my room to check on where the noises came from. I was really scared, so I left Charlie a message in her voice mail. I asked her if she can come over to help me out, and that it was an emergency. As I reached the living room, I saw the glass windows shattered, and there were evidences that there was someone who broke in our house. I called Charlie, and this time she answered me. I told her that I think someone broke into our house, and I was still alone. She said to just wait for her, because she was coming over. I tried to be calm, and device a plan to save myself from the distress. I went around the house to look for the culprit, and was shocked when someone pulled me from behind. I was scared to death. I tried to scream, but the man put his hand on my mouth. He pulled me from behind and brought me to my parents’ bedroom. With right hand holding both my arms, he started to tear away my clothes. It turned out that the man did not break in to steal our things. He was a pervert who has been eyeing on me, waiting for the right time to come. I was crying and screaming my heart out because I was not in favor of the deed this pervert is doing. When I was starting to lose hope, I saw Charlie running towards the door, bringing with her the baseball bat I kept in my room. She hit the man in the head three times making the man dizzy and unconscious. She kicked the man and helped me to get up. We ran to my room, where she gave me the first shirt that she saw, and started running towards the door. Our goal was to get the phone and call 911. Charlie and I ran downstairs. The main door was locked, and the keys were hidden in the drawers. To avoid wasting time, Charlie and I decided to pass through the back door. As we ran into the kitchen, the pervert surprised us holding a knife in his hand. He said that he was not going to hurt us, if we would give in to what he wanted. Charlie was stern and wanted to fight. She started to throw dishes at the pervert, while keeping me close behind. We were both scared, but we had to hide our fears and show this pervert of a man that he cannot defeat us. The man cut his hand and this gave us the time to run. We passed through the back door and ran outside. Charlie’s hair was pulled by the man, and she wanted me to go leave her. I cannot just leave my best friend with a man who will just torture her, and reap the dignity away from her. As the fighter, Charlie struggled to get away from the man. She gave him numerous kicks, and blows in the stomach. Little did we know that the man still had a knife on his hand only to be used in this situation. I saw my best friend, Charlie, stabbed to death by a man who tried to molest me. I screamed my heart out, waking the neighbors close by. Soon, the ambulance and the police were there searching for evidences. Charlie was brought to the hospital, where she was declared death on arrival. Before she died, Charlie told me to fulfill the dreams we built as young kids, and to always be strong no matter what the circumstances are. Soon, Charlie left and became one of the stars in the heavens. She was sixteen. My unwavering friendship with my best friend, Charlie, is something that will always have a place in my heart. She taught me a lot of things, and that it was always worth to fight for the people we care for. Charlie sacrificed her life for me to be saved, and I did not waste that opportunity. I used this pain to help me go on, and succeed in life. She wanted me to live so that I may fulfill the dreams that we had when we were younger. Nowadays, I work hard to achieve excellence in my chosen field. Although there are times that I am not in a good situation, I still keep a positive note in me. Charlie’s dream was to make a difference in this world, and I want to fulfill that even in my own little way. I want to show the world that regardless of what happened to my life before, I can still manage to rise up and start anew. I know that there are times when I feel like giving up on my career and my life, in general. Then I start to think about Charlie, and how her unwavering love for me, has shielded me from harm. If I was the fighter between us, I would have been the one who died. Charlie took that option away from me, and me see that my life was destined for something big. After much hard work and dedication, my dreams and aspirations in life are just miles away. I just have to go and expand my knowledge so that I may be fully equipped with the challenges that I will face in my chosen profession. The reading paved way for me to reminisce the friendship that I had with Charlie. Charlie’s home was two houses away from ours, but her heart has always been with us. She treated us like her own family, and made us feel how much she loved and cared for us. All these years, I have wanted to find a perfect reason as to why Charlie sacrificed her life for me. The reading showed me that irrespective of who you are with, people will do anything for us, especially when they treat us like family. I know this, because this was Charlie’s lifetime sacrifice. When I feel devastated and no will to move on, I just have to look up in the stars and see that someone up there is watching over me until all of my dreams have come true.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay examples --

Health, Safety and Welfare The Safety, Health and Welfare Act of 2005 came into operation on 1st September 2005. The Safety, Health Authority is a state-sponsored body under the Department of Enterprise. The trade and employment would have the overall responsibility for the administrate side of things and enforcing the Health and Safety in the workplace. There are all protected by law. Therefore the employer must ensure a safe work environment. The work place must have a documented specifics regarding buildings for the safety inspectors on request. These places must have signage in place for the employers safety and these regulation must be carried out. Bullying in the workplace is another health and safety issue that can be challenged under the Safety, Health and Welfare at work Act 2005. The Act applies to all employers and employees both temporary, full time and self employed people in their workplace. The Acts sets out the rights and obligation of both employers and employees and as a result heav y fines and penalties for breaches of the Health and safety legislation. Both employer and employee have duties to here by in the Health and Safety Act 2007. Employers is required to carry out a risk assessment which should identify any hazards that present them selfs in the work place. The employer should also carry out an assessment in relation to pregnant employees. The employer is obliged to report any accident that results in an employee missing 3 consecutive days at work which do not include the day of accident. Protective equipment are available on site for all employees. Employment Equality Employers are legally obliged to abide to the existing equality legislation when hiring and employing staff whether full tim... ...ce Industrial, Professional and Technical union. The most common fought problem with wages. Regulations related to pay A system was set up to determine what the minimum wage would be. Each country set their own minimum wages laws as see fit. The current is â‚ ¬8.65 an hour in Ireland on July 2007. There is a minimum rate for the first year of a job is â‚ ¬6.92 per hour. On request employees are entitled to a written statement setting out their reckonable pay, working hours, average hourly rate of pay entitlement under the Act. This wage may only be paid either weekly or monthly with agreement of employer and employee. The National minimum wage act 2000 sets the minimum rate for all experienced adult employees. The payment of wages Act gives every employee in Ireland a right to a payslip showing the employees gross wages and any details of overtime or deductions.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Beauty in Nature Essay

The world has come to a point where there is no turning back; where we can’t undo what is already done. We have forgotten the importance of the use of natural resources we need to survive. We have also forgotten our responsibility to the world, so that it can remain healthy and alive. I fear if we continue polluting our environment and not help it improve itself, we are going to have nothing towards the end. The world needs a better place for everyone to enjoy, no matter what living situation you are in. Everything relates to one another, water, air, energy, sun light, humans, and specially animals; we are all useful to one another. However, I believe that it is possible for us to improve our living situation, and make our world healthier to live in. It is not impossible to do, but if everyone is willing to work together and start making changes there will be a positive effect towards the world. We live and breathe toxic and factory pollution in our everyday lives without even realizing the damage that we have caused. Every year the atmosphere thickens with air pollution and lakes are becoming more toxic with the waste that we dump. Not realizing what we have done to the world and what we are taking advantage of, should be the red flag for us, telling us that we need to change our living situations now. However, being asked to cut down on some of our resources that we use in our everyday life would be difficult to do because some wouldn’t know how to survive without them. We need the supplies that we are used to because it is what we know and what we are used too. On the other hand, what is the harm on trying something new; taking shorter showers, picking up trash that is around you in public areas, buying recyclable pencils, or plastic bottles? Humans are not the only ones who live on the world; animals are very much involved too. Animals need to feel safe; they need a home to live in, and cutting down trees destroying their homes are not the ans wers. Animals suffer every day to find a home. For example Polar bears are going extinct because there is it too much heat in the atmosphere, heat is beginning to melt off the remaining ice that is left for them. Forest animals are being forced to live in different habitats because trees are being cut down for shelter and living supplies for the humans. If the world  continues to cut down trees and make more land for people to live on, there are going to be no trees left. Animals are defenseless against humans; they don’t have a voice as humans do. Someone needs to speak up for the animals, and protect their homes. Nature can be seen as a beautiful thing, yet we are killing off those beautiful things in the world. We do not do it intentionally, but we are killing off our natural resources just by living our daily lives. We are killing off our trees, so we can have paper and money so we can spend more on paper, houses, and fire. When one tree falls, another should be planted. This can help and we wouldn’t run out of trees. Cows, chicken, pigs, animals are getting killed off so we can have food on our plate, and have clothes on our backs so we won’t freeze during the winter nights. Even though we need nature to survive there is always a negative effect using it. There are many ways that we can improve our world. Although it might be difficult to fix the damage that was already caused there is still hope for improvement. If we start off small and work ourselves to the top improving the environment would become easier each year. We should turn off the lights after exiting the room, and install sensor lights in every house making sure that energy is not being wasted. We can cut back on our water supply when we are in the shower or washing the dishes and watering the grass, by setting a timer on when to stop. We can create new technologies, so we are able to manage the amount of smoke that comes out in factories. We can also help the environment by getting others to join beach cleanups. Having more people picking up trash can help in many ways. Cleaning up the beach made me think about the other things that can help this world to survive a bit longer. It is not impossible to do because humans are the main source; we are the ones that need little something from everything and from everyone. It is not hard to pick up unwanted trash around you at the park or the streets, it is rare when people do that but little things like that can change a lot. Picking up a broken glass from the beach might have saved someone’s foot from running into it; picking up the burned rubber from the fire pit might have saved a bird from shocking to death. One thing leads to another, everything matters in life weather if it is the smallest thing in the world. Picking up trash in the beach made it look cleaner and made it look like a beach that people would enjoy going to. Going to the beach has encouraged me to go back and enjoy  the sound the waves do when they hit the surface. The beach clean was a fun experience to have because it can make you love nature even more by the smell or the sound that it makes. One can enjoy the view of the dolphins when they pass by in little groups, going up and down as if they are saying hi and goodbye each time their head pops out. Protecting and enjoying the beach is important because it is something that was created for us to enjoy the fresh air, and ignore the ugly in the world. In conclusion, if we make small changes now in the way we live, we can avoid huge changes in the future. Scientists, governments and individuals must work together to overcome this threat. Keeping the environment clean and healthy can save many lives infants, teens, and the elderly. Cleaning earth and making it a better place is not in overnight process, it will probably take years to fix, but it is possible.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Role Played by Socialisation in Shaping Human Behaviour Has Been Overstated.’ Assess This Claim

Common sources of conflict – Conflict is an inevitable part of human relationships. Where commitment to mission and long hours with minimal resources intersect, nonprofit workplaces can be rife with conflict interchanges. Conflict can arise from managing differing perspectives and seemingly incompatible concerns. If we can accept it as a natural part of our emotional landscape, it can be easier to work with than if we expect (or wish! ) conflict to disappear and never resurface.As a manager, it is important to be able to identify and to understand the varying levels of conflicts and how these levels are manifested in different ways. An early sign of conflict is that â€Å"nagging feeling† or tension you feel, indicating that something is brewing under the surface. Pay attention to non-verbal behaviours such as crossed-arms, eyes lowered or someone sitting back or away from you or the group. These signs can provide you with important information about your current situat ion and can help you in assessing your next steps.If these signs are not dealt with in a timely manner, this sense of apprehension can shift to another level of conflict and can be manifested more directly with opposition and conviction. This aspect of conflict is addressed in more depth in the sections below. More often than not, these early warning signs are a part of a larger web of dynamics present in your organization. As part of our analysis, it is helpful to understand the source of potential conflict. Below are some common sources of conflict: Conflict type | Description |Values conflict| Involves incompatibility of preferences, principles and practices that people believe in such as religion, ethics or politics. | Power conflict | Occurs when each party wishes to maintain or maximize the amount of influence that it exerts in the relationship and the social setting such as in a decision making process. | Economic conflict | Involves competing to attain scarce resources such as monetary or human resources. | Interpersonal conflict | Occurs when two people or more have incompatible needs, goals, or approaches in their relationship such as different communication or work styles. Organizational conflict | Involves inequalities in the organizational chart and how employees report to one another. | Environmental conflict | Involves external pressures outside of the organization such as a recession, a changing government, or a high employment rate. | Once you know more about where the conflict stems from, you will be better equipped to address it. A variety of factors influence when and how conflict will surface. To get the bigger picture, consider all the sources above before taking action.Now, we will look at the various ways in which we can respond and manage conflict. Understanding conflict styles – A first step in dealing with conflict is to discover your preferred conflict style(s) and subsequently, learn how to manage a variety of situations usi ng different approaches. These styles have two basic dimensions: Assertiveness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy one's own concerns. This dimension is also correlated to attaining one's goals, Cooperativeness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy the other individual's concerns.This dimension can also be tracked as being concerned with relationships. A combination of these dimensions results in five conflict behaviours: 1. Competing 2. Accommodating 3. Avoiding 4. Collaborating 5. Compromising Each style is appropriate in particular contexts and learning how to be strategic when approaching conflict is ideal. Accommodating – The accommodating style is unassertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to yield. Typically a person using this conflict mode neglects his or her needs to satisfy the concerns of the other person.There is an element of self-sacrifice and this stance is concerned with preserving the relationship versus attaining goals. The mode is also known as an appeasement or smoothing style and is the opposite of competing. Competing – The Competing style is a power-oriented mode that is high in assertiveness and low in cooperativeness. The goal of this stance is to win. In this mode the individual aims to pursue one's agenda at another's expense. This may mean standing up for one's needs, defending a cherished position and/or simply trying to win. The goal is deemed very important.This style is also referred to as a forcing or dominant style. Avoiding – The avoiding style is both unassertive and uncooperative. The goal of this stance is to delay. In this mode an individual does not immediately pursue his or her concerns or those of another. There is indifference to the outcome to the issue and the relationship and the person withdraws or postpones dealing with the conflict. This style can provide a needed respite from the situation or it can inflame things if the issue keeps being pushed aside. This mode is also known as flight. CollaborateThe collaborating style is both assertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to find a win-win situation. Typically this mode is concerned with finding creative solutions to issues that satisfy both individual's concerns. Learning, listening and attending to both the organizational and personal issues are addressed with this conflict style. It takes time and effort. This mode is also known as a problem solving or integrative style and it is the opposite of avoiding. Compromise The compromising style lands one right in the middle of being assertive and cooperative.The goal of this stance is to find a quick middle ground. Parties find an expedient, mutually acceptable solution by having each person give up something and split the difference. This mode is also known as sharing. Dealing with difficult people When working in a group, there may be times when you will have to work with a difficult person. Often times, this person is no t aware of his or her impact on the group or the implications of his or her actions on others. Depending on the perspective, everyone has been viewed at one time or another, as a difficult person.Everybody has the capacity to be both productive and problematic in the workplace. It is all in how you view the situation. With a simple change in perspective, your experience with a difficult person can change from a situation that is happening to you to a possibly enriching learning experience. If you are experiencing a strong reaction to another person, there are two elements you need to consider: you and the other person. First, start with yourself. It is essential to understand why you are reacting to that person and the possible strategies you can use to address the situation.For example, a preferred conflict style can be exacerbated by a particular method of communication. If you have a tendency to avoid conflicts, are emails the only way you solve issues at the office? Or do you fi nd yourself saying things on email that you would never say in person. Many of us can hide behind our computers or take on a bolder, more aggressive persona. In essence, change your behaviour to work effectively with someone. There are many ways in which to communicate with your colleagues – face to face meetings, phone calls, e-mails, video conferencing etc. he possibilities are limitless. When working with a difficult person, begin to locate the problem inside yourself. Dr. Ronald Short, in his book, Learning in Relationship, states: â€Å"The impact someone has on us (feeling and thoughts we have inside) is our responsibility. To understand impact, we need to look at ourselves – not judge others† (1998). Remember, as a rule (and this is easier said than done), try not to take things personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a direct reflection of what is happening inside of this person. The Role Played by Socialisation in Shaping Human Behaviour Has Been Overstated.’ Assess This Claim Common sources of conflict – Conflict is an inevitable part of human relationships. Where commitment to mission and long hours with minimal resources intersect, nonprofit workplaces can be rife with conflict interchanges. Conflict can arise from managing differing perspectives and seemingly incompatible concerns. If we can accept it as a natural part of our emotional landscape, it can be easier to work with than if we expect (or wish! ) conflict to disappear and never resurface.As a manager, it is important to be able to identify and to understand the varying levels of conflicts and how these levels are manifested in different ways. An early sign of conflict is that â€Å"nagging feeling† or tension you feel, indicating that something is brewing under the surface. Pay attention to non-verbal behaviours such as crossed-arms, eyes lowered or someone sitting back or away from you or the group. These signs can provide you with important information about your current situat ion and can help you in assessing your next steps.If these signs are not dealt with in a timely manner, this sense of apprehension can shift to another level of conflict and can be manifested more directly with opposition and conviction. This aspect of conflict is addressed in more depth in the sections below. More often than not, these early warning signs are a part of a larger web of dynamics present in your organization. As part of our analysis, it is helpful to understand the source of potential conflict. Below are some common sources of conflict: Conflict type | Description |Values conflict| Involves incompatibility of preferences, principles and practices that people believe in such as religion, ethics or politics. | Power conflict | Occurs when each party wishes to maintain or maximize the amount of influence that it exerts in the relationship and the social setting such as in a decision making process. | Economic conflict | Involves competing to attain scarce resources such as monetary or human resources. | Interpersonal conflict | Occurs when two people or more have incompatible needs, goals, or approaches in their relationship such as different communication or work styles. Organizational conflict | Involves inequalities in the organizational chart and how employees report to one another. | Environmental conflict | Involves external pressures outside of the organization such as a recession, a changing government, or a high employment rate. | Once you know more about where the conflict stems from, you will be better equipped to address it. A variety of factors influence when and how conflict will surface. To get the bigger picture, consider all the sources above before taking action.Now, we will look at the various ways in which we can respond and manage conflict. Understanding conflict styles – A first step in dealing with conflict is to discover your preferred conflict style(s) and subsequently, learn how to manage a variety of situations usi ng different approaches. These styles have two basic dimensions: Assertiveness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy one's own concerns. This dimension is also correlated to attaining one's goals, Cooperativeness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy the other individual's concerns.This dimension can also be tracked as being concerned with relationships. A combination of these dimensions results in five conflict behaviours: 1. Competing 2. Accommodating 3. Avoiding 4. Collaborating 5. Compromising Each style is appropriate in particular contexts and learning how to be strategic when approaching conflict is ideal. Accommodating – The accommodating style is unassertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to yield. Typically a person using this conflict mode neglects his or her needs to satisfy the concerns of the other person.There is an element of self-sacrifice and this stance is concerned with preserving the relationship versus attaining goals. The mode is also known as an appeasement or smoothing style and is the opposite of competing. Competing – The Competing style is a power-oriented mode that is high in assertiveness and low in cooperativeness. The goal of this stance is to win. In this mode the individual aims to pursue one's agenda at another's expense. This may mean standing up for one's needs, defending a cherished position and/or simply trying to win. The goal is deemed very important.This style is also referred to as a forcing or dominant style. Avoiding – The avoiding style is both unassertive and uncooperative. The goal of this stance is to delay. In this mode an individual does not immediately pursue his or her concerns or those of another. There is indifference to the outcome to the issue and the relationship and the person withdraws or postpones dealing with the conflict. This style can provide a needed respite from the situation or it can inflame things if the issue keeps being pushed aside. This mode is also known as flight. CollaborateThe collaborating style is both assertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to find a win-win situation. Typically this mode is concerned with finding creative solutions to issues that satisfy both individual's concerns. Learning, listening and attending to both the organizational and personal issues are addressed with this conflict style. It takes time and effort. This mode is also known as a problem solving or integrative style and it is the opposite of avoiding. Compromise The compromising style lands one right in the middle of being assertive and cooperative.The goal of this stance is to find a quick middle ground. Parties find an expedient, mutually acceptable solution by having each person give up something and split the difference. This mode is also known as sharing. Dealing with difficult people When working in a group, there may be times when you will have to work with a difficult person. Often times, this person is no t aware of his or her impact on the group or the implications of his or her actions on others. Depending on the perspective, everyone has been viewed at one time or another, as a difficult person.Everybody has the capacity to be both productive and problematic in the workplace. It is all in how you view the situation. With a simple change in perspective, your experience with a difficult person can change from a situation that is happening to you to a possibly enriching learning experience. If you are experiencing a strong reaction to another person, there are two elements you need to consider: you and the other person. First, start with yourself. It is essential to understand why you are reacting to that person and the possible strategies you can use to address the situation.For example, a preferred conflict style can be exacerbated by a particular method of communication. If you have a tendency to avoid conflicts, are emails the only way you solve issues at the office? Or do you fi nd yourself saying things on email that you would never say in person. Many of us can hide behind our computers or take on a bolder, more aggressive persona. In essence, change your behaviour to work effectively with someone. There are many ways in which to communicate with your colleagues – face to face meetings, phone calls, e-mails, video conferencing etc. he possibilities are limitless. When working with a difficult person, begin to locate the problem inside yourself. Dr. Ronald Short, in his book, Learning in Relationship, states: â€Å"The impact someone has on us (feeling and thoughts we have inside) is our responsibility. To understand impact, we need to look at ourselves – not judge others† (1998). Remember, as a rule (and this is easier said than done), try not to take things personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a direct reflection of what is happening inside of this person.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Argument Against Euthanasia

Regardless of age, race, sex or religion, divorce has devastating, often long-term, consequences. The immediate effects of divorce, such as hurt, anger and confusion, are evident in both children and adults. The longer-term effects are not so easy to pin point. Adults are usually able to articulate their emotions and verbalize their distress, anger, pain and confusion to help themselves through this period of transition in their lives. As well, adults have the means and ability to seek outside professional assistance independently. Children on the other hand, are not as likely to have the ability to identify the source or kind of turmoil they are experiencing. Therefore, it is difficult for us, as adults, to be fully aware of the consequences of divorce on our children. It is estimated that nearly one half of children born today will spend time in a single parent household watching mommy go down on her boyfriends. Although some of these children are born into single parent families, many more are the product of divorce, and are made to endure the conflict and emotional upset that divorce brings about. At this time, when children require stability and emotional support, the pressures of growing up are often compounded by the stress of divorce and family breakdown. When divorce involves children many questions must be answered. Questions such as: With whom will the children live? How often will the non-custodial parent have access, and under what circumstances? Although simple to ask, these questions are never easy to answer, and children frequently become pawns in a game of revenge. Today, mothers make up the majority of parents who are awarded custody, with fathers making up only 13%. However, this was not always the case. Prior to the 19th century, fathers, under English common law followed in North America , received automatic custody of their children when the marriage dissolved. During the 19th century gradual change... Free Essays on Argument Against Euthanasia Free Essays on Argument Against Euthanasia Regardless of age, race, sex or religion, divorce has devastating, often long-term, consequences. The immediate effects of divorce, such as hurt, anger and confusion, are evident in both children and adults. The longer-term effects are not so easy to pin point. Adults are usually able to articulate their emotions and verbalize their distress, anger, pain and confusion to help themselves through this period of transition in their lives. As well, adults have the means and ability to seek outside professional assistance independently. Children on the other hand, are not as likely to have the ability to identify the source or kind of turmoil they are experiencing. Therefore, it is difficult for us, as adults, to be fully aware of the consequences of divorce on our children. It is estimated that nearly one half of children born today will spend time in a single parent household watching mommy go down on her boyfriends. Although some of these children are born into single parent families, many more are the product of divorce, and are made to endure the conflict and emotional upset that divorce brings about. At this time, when children require stability and emotional support, the pressures of growing up are often compounded by the stress of divorce and family breakdown. When divorce involves children many questions must be answered. Questions such as: With whom will the children live? How often will the non-custodial parent have access, and under what circumstances? Although simple to ask, these questions are never easy to answer, and children frequently become pawns in a game of revenge. Today, mothers make up the majority of parents who are awarded custody, with fathers making up only 13%. However, this was not always the case. Prior to the 19th century, fathers, under English common law followed in North America , received automatic custody of their children when the marriage dissolved. During the 19th century gradual change...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Validity of a food frequency questionnaire in the assessment of vitamin A intake when compared to an eight day diet record.

Validity of a food frequency questionnaire in the assessment of vitamin A intake when compared to an eight day diet record. Validity of a food frequency questionnaire in the assessment of vitamin A intake when compared to an eight day diet record.Abstract: Background: Food frequency questionnaires are a method of dietary assessment which has been used in healthcare practices since the early 1950's (1). These assessments are used in the evaluation of large populations nutrient intakes based on food frequency consumption. (2) On the other hand diet records are a complete and accurate account of exact food types and quantities consumed by individuals and have the ability to measure exact nutrient levels. (2) This study looks to compare and contrast the two research methods in relation to determining vitamin A intake. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and validity of a student administered food frequency questionnaire in the assessment of vitamin A intake in comparison to an eight day dietary record. Design: Cross-sectional dietary survey using a food frequency questionnaire and an eight day diet record.A FFQ was specifically designed to include vitamin A rich foods along with those of which were seen to be commonly consumed and contain relevant levels. 16 University of Otago nutrition students completed the FFQ, and from the results obtained specific individual's average daily vitamin A intakes were calculated. A previously completed eight day diet record was use as a comparison, the results of which were used to contrast the vitamin A consumed from within each diet. The results from both the 8DDR and FFQ were then ranked into quartiles according to their average vitamin A intake per individual and a contingency table was assembled. Mean vitamin A levels per quartile were calculated along with the standard deviation which were tabulated and graphed in order to establish statistical significance via student paired t-tests and their corresponding p-values. Results: When compared to the eight day...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Talk About Fractions in Chinese

How to Talk About Fractions in Chinese Know that you know your whole numbers in Chinese, you can talk about rational numbers in decimals, fractions, and percents with the addition of a few more vocabulary words. Of course, you can read and write numbers- like 4/3 or 3.75 or 15%- using the universal numerical system in Chinese-speaking regions. However, when it comes to reading those numbers out loud, youll need to know these new Mandarin Chinese terms. Parts of a Whole Fractions can be expressed either as parts of a whole (half, quarter, etc.) or as decimal fractions. In English, parts of a whole are stated as â€Å"XX parts of YY,† with XX being the parts of the whole and YY being the whole. An example of this is saying two parts of three, which also means two-thirds.   However, the phrase construction is the opposite in Chinese. Parts of a whole  are stated as YY 分ä ¹â€¹ XX. The pinyin of 分ä ¹â€¹ is fÄ“n zhÄ «, and is written the same in both traditional and simplified Chinese.  Note that the number representing the whole comes at the beginning of the phrase.   One-half can be stated as either ä ¸â‚¬Ã¥ Å  (yÄ « bn)  or using the phrase construction mentioned above:  Ã¤ ºÅ'分ä ¹â€¹Ã¤ ¸â‚¬ (à ¨r fÄ“n zhÄ « yÄ «). There is no Chinese equivalent to the term one-quarter besides  Ã¥â€ºâ€ºÃ¥Ë†â€ Ã¤ ¹â€¹Ã¤ ¸â‚¬ (s à ¬ fÄ“n zhÄ « yÄ «). Examples of Parts of a Whole three-quarterssà ¬ fÄ“n zhÄ « sÄ n四分ä ¹â€¹Ã¤ ¸â€°eleven-sixteenthsshà ­ lià ¹ fÄ“n zhÄ « shà ­ yÄ «Ã¥  Ã¥â€¦ ­Ã¥Ë†â€ Ã¤ ¹â€¹Ã¥  Ã¤ ¸â‚¬ Decimals Fractions can also be stated as decimals. The word for decimal point in Mandarin Chinese is written as é »Å¾ in traditional form and ç‚ ¹ in simplified form. The character is pronounced as diÇŽn.   If a number begins with the decimal point, it can optionally be prefaced with é› ¶ (là ­ng), which means zero. Each digit of the decimal fraction is stated individually just like a whole number. Examples of Decimal Fractions 1.3yÄ « diÇŽn sÄ nä ¸â‚¬Ã© »Å¾Ã¤ ¸â€° (trad)ä ¸â‚¬Ã§â€š ¹Ã¤ ¸â€° (simp)0.5674ling diÇŽn wÇ” lià ¹ qÄ « sà ¬Ã©â€º ¶Ã© »Å¾Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¥â€¦ ­Ã¤ ¸Æ'å›› (trad)é› ¶Ã§â€š ¹Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¥â€¦ ­Ã¤ ¸Æ'å›› (simp) Percents The same phrase construction used in expressing parts of a whole is also used when talking about percentages. Except for when talking about percents in Chinese, the whole is always 100. Thus, XX% will follow this template: ç™ ¾Ã¥Ë†â€ Ã¤ ¹â€¹ (bÇŽi fÄ“n zhÄ «) XX.   Examples of Percents 20%bÇŽi fÄ“n zhÄ « à ¨r shà ­Ã§â„¢ ¾Ã¥Ë†â€ Ã¤ ¹â€¹Ã¤ ºÅ'Ã¥  5%bÇŽi fÄ“n zhÄ « wÇ”ç™ ¾Ã¥Ë†â€ Ã¤ ¹â€¹Ã¤ ºâ€

Saturday, October 19, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

English - Essay Example It could be an advantage to the agency to dismiss her as it will protect the agency from any further leaks from McCarthy. Another reason I can find for firing McCarthy is the fact that her action broke the agreement of secrecy required by any agent of the CIA. (Shrader,) Again, this means that McCarthy cannot be trusted; however this may not be reason enough to dismiss her. A disadvantage of firing McCarthy is that the media will most likely support McCarthy as it is favorable for the media to take the side of someone who is apparently being fired unfairly. Also, the President may not agree as his interests don't always agree with those of the CIA, according to Senator Menendez. (Shrader) In order to avoid opposition from the president and from the media I feel it might be best to place McCarthy under probation and if it is found she is not to be trusted I will have a solid reason to dismiss McCarthy. I failed one polygraph test and now my job is on the line. (Shrader) I'm sure they want to fire me. I need to gather my thoughts together and analyze this situation. I've already confessed the leak and that could work in my favor. I also need to determine what reasons the agency may have for firing me and not firing me and act accordingly.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Compare and contrast the relationships which evolved between Essay

Compare and contrast the relationships which evolved between technology subjectivity and space of concentration camsp factory Manhatten project cinema and the - Essay Example e to this led to one of the most violent expressions of individuality recorded in human history as Nazi Germany exalted the Aryan and vilified the Jew. The response to this violence, assisted through the use of yet further technology such as cinema and the exhibition to educate and influence the cultural mind, led the way to the current trend of increasing subjectivity within the Metropolis. Thus, there are numerous complex relationships apparent between the advances in technology to the degree of subjectivity inherent in a particular society as shown through the space of the factory, the concentration camps, the Manhattan Project, the exhibition and the cinema. One of the most important features of capitalism in industries was the capacity to impose a work discipline with uniform and regular patterns while eliminating the possibility of self-organizing (Thompson, 1967). Within the factories, many artisans were brought under the same roof and, more importantly, expected to work within the mills, a radically different production technique from that used previously within the cottage industries. â€Å"The nineteenth century demanded the functional specialization of man and his work; this specialization makes one individual incomparable to another †¦, this specialization makes each man the more directly dependent upon the supplementary activities of all others† (Simmel, 1903). The factory eliminates the need for the individual even while it works to separate the individual into appropriate work classifications for greatest effect, making each worker depend upon the work of another to function. Yet, this â€Å"colossal centralizati on, this agglomeration of three and a half million people on a single spot has multiplied the strength of these three and a half million inhabitants a hundredfold† (Engels, 1987) creating a need to institute some sort of control. Therefore, bringing all these people together also made surveillance possible at the least as a means of

Motives and Incentives in the Performance of Employees Dissertation

Motives and Incentives in the Performance of Employees - Dissertation Example One of the most important aspects of a business in production is the motivation of the workforce. Manual labour is not comparable to the work produced by machines, and therefore the amount of work done is not the same. Thus, the most effective way to increase company performance and ensure productive, effective employees is to take steps to motivate the staff. One of the usual managerial approaches to this goal is through the use of financial rewards, however research suggests that there may be other more suitable strategies. In fact, Kohn (1993) suggests that if the motivational frame is focused only on material rewards, the levels of production might actually decrease.  Pugh and Hickson (1989) investigated this area through the â€Å"Hawthorne Experiment†. The conclusion of their study was that if the managers do not take into account the employees’ personal necessities and desires, they will be likely to maximize payment but minimize effort. Therefore, it is a cruc ial issue among business at present to learn how to offer non-material rewards as motivation. Hoegl and Gemuenden (2001) support this by stating that teamwork can be defined as a social structure comprised of over three people in context or organization. Therefore, as members of this structure work together as a single unit and look to achieve the same objective, techniques which improve the inter-relationship will improve group output. Additionally, the power of agglomerate and relation of status, composition, leadership, size, principles.... The global crisis has made it increasingly vital for organizations to take measures to ensure the life of their businesses, overcoming both internal and external operation factors to achieve revenue growth and corporate performance. It is widely agreed that effective management of one of the most important factors for organizations to stay profitable in a highly competitive global economy. These factors of production are the three M’s: materials, machine and manpower. It is the last of these, the human resource of a company, which poses the biggest challenge. A motivated employee is a valuable asset that brings tremendous worth to an organization. 1.2 The Objectives of the Research This research will try to resolve the problem of employee motivation and incentives programs by determining the factors that would give them motivation in their work, which in turn will result into satisfactory performance that would make possible the organization’s success. It will also try to look into the style and strategies of Al-Amal Hospital in Jeddah, the company in focus, in dealing with their workforce and how their workforce stay motivated and happy with their job. 1.3 Research Problems It is the purpose of this paper to identify the motivational strategies and incentives that would improve employee behaviour in the workplace. The focus of this study will be an evaluation of the practices of hospitals in Saudi Arabia, particularly Al-Amal Hospital in Jeddah. This will include an evaluation of the employee motivation and incentive strategies available to Al-Jamal Hospital, how they were applied in the organization and the effectiveness of these approaches. 1.4 Limitations of the Study As the data collected for random sampling will be from a single

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Value Chain Model for PSU in Order to Receive Raw Materials from South Research Paper

Value Chain Model for PSU in Order to Receive Raw Materials from South Korea and China - Research Paper Example Having a shared vision enables the workers in all the locations to collaborate in delivering value. The process of receiving spare parts, storage, general inventory control, shipping scheduling should be managed with an aim of cutting any time delays. Immediately an order is registered, a process of simulation from the production plant should be initiated. 1.4 Operations. The assembling, packaging, equipment maintenance, product-testing as well as other activities must be streamlined with an aim of creating efficiency in delivering the final desired product. In fact, all necessary output measures should be aimed at enabling workflow as well as delivery performance to include dependable stock safety levels to avoid delays and understocking. This is where a forecast comes in to ensure the scheduling of end items. In reference to the activities needed to deliver goods to the market, the different locations need to share information as well as to operate in guidance by same policies so as to translate their cooperation into a synergetic relationship. Other areas of key concern are ordered fulfilment, the logistics involved in shipping as well as Material Requirements Planning or Distribution Requirements Planning system. By using a centralized in-formation model any demand changes will be detected well in advance and preemptive measures taken in advance. There need to be many resources committed to wooing buyers to purchase the cutting technology product. On top of that, how the distributors and dealers are selected goes a long way to determine whether sales targets will be achieved or not.  

Total Quality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 2

Total Quality Management - Essay Example TQM was wielded into a coherent operating philosophy in Japan in the 1950s in its search for better methods to stimulate product quality. Its wisdom and usefulness caught the interest of W. Edward Deming and Joseph Juran who in the 1960s weaved into the Japanese concept their own ideas of quality generation. The TQM strategy was thus enriched by Deming’s statistical process control and Juran’s teamwork and plan-do-check-action concepts. In 1962, all three quality circles combined as TQM was registered with the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers as a workable concept of organizational process. By the 1980s, when Japan was rising as a global economic power, TQM was picked up by US and European companies.It was institutionalized in 1988 with the establishment of the European Foundation of Quality Management and has since become the basis for the granting of such quality achievement awards as the International Standards Organization. To implement TQM successfully, a n organization must bring its eight key elements into play.These are ethics, integrity and trust, which serve as the TQM basic foundation; training, teamwork and leadership which act as the building blocks; recognition as the roof; and communication as the binding mortar. Based on the strong foundation of ethics, integrity and trust, the building blocks of training, teamwork and leadership are set in place to reach the roof of recognition. Communication then binds all the elements together to work for the accomplishment of the TQM objectives. In so doing, there are three things to consider: the cost of quality, the counsel of quality gurus, and customer satisfaction. I. Cost of Quality The cost of quality is the extra time, effort and money spent by a company for preventing poor-quality products or services from reaching the consumers. In the words of Crosby, P. (1979), it is the price to pay for non-conformance. The cost of poor quality (Juran, J.,1988). As such, the cost of quality is distinguished from the company's expense on raw material, production and labor in that it involves, for the most part, activities on reworks, returns and customer complaints. There are four known types of quality cost: 1. External failure cost - this is associated with defects found after the customer receives the product, the cost incurred in processing customer complaints, returns, recalls and warranty claims. 2. Internal failure cost - the cost of quality associated with defects found before the customer receives the product, which is spent mostly on scrap, rework, re-inspection, re-testing, material review and material downgrade

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Value Chain Model for PSU in Order to Receive Raw Materials from South Research Paper

Value Chain Model for PSU in Order to Receive Raw Materials from South Korea and China - Research Paper Example Having a shared vision enables the workers in all the locations to collaborate in delivering value. The process of receiving spare parts, storage, general inventory control, shipping scheduling should be managed with an aim of cutting any time delays. Immediately an order is registered, a process of simulation from the production plant should be initiated. 1.4 Operations. The assembling, packaging, equipment maintenance, product-testing as well as other activities must be streamlined with an aim of creating efficiency in delivering the final desired product. In fact, all necessary output measures should be aimed at enabling workflow as well as delivery performance to include dependable stock safety levels to avoid delays and understocking. This is where a forecast comes in to ensure the scheduling of end items. In reference to the activities needed to deliver goods to the market, the different locations need to share information as well as to operate in guidance by same policies so as to translate their cooperation into a synergetic relationship. Other areas of key concern are ordered fulfilment, the logistics involved in shipping as well as Material Requirements Planning or Distribution Requirements Planning system. By using a centralized in-formation model any demand changes will be detected well in advance and preemptive measures taken in advance. There need to be many resources committed to wooing buyers to purchase the cutting technology product. On top of that, how the distributors and dealers are selected goes a long way to determine whether sales targets will be achieved or not.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Journal #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Journal #3 - Essay Example The key objective of the Fraternity is Brotherhood and Sisterhood, a value that has been continually achieved all through the year, with Fraternity members living together and tackling most of their problems be it academic or even personal issues. Another value that Indiana University Fraternity has continually emphasized over the years is leadership development. This has been achieved through self-governance, where the Greek System provides a platform for students to govern themselves. These structures offer the members of the fraternities with a platform for leadership, assisting them to become better leaders in the future. In addition to this value, another key value that the IU Greek system has always emphasized is the Civic Engagement. This has been also achieved through a variety of ways ranging from the Little 500 event, IU Sing and Intramurals. The Indiana University Fraternity and Sorority values have been followed adequately within the university and the Indiana University has achieved a majority if not all its values. The platforms provided by the university improve the Greek system, from the usual setting where it is purely used to create teamwork for extra curriculum activities, to a point where it improves the academic and career lives of all its

Monday, October 14, 2019

Someone Special Essay Example for Free

Someone Special Essay Those who truly know us for who we really are; are the people that have the most influence in our lives, such as our parents. In my case it is my mother who has greatly impacted my life. She has stood beside me through thick and thin. I know that as long as she is here on this earth, she will stand beside me to love and support me unconditionally as she has done all these years. It is because of her that I am the person I am today. Behind my choices, character, my values, and behind me, proudly stands my mother. All throughout my childhood I have been closer to my mom than I am to my father. She has been an amazing friend to me, but an even better parental figure. Laying down the rules for me and establishing boundaries when needed. It is the love and respect I have for my mother that I am cautious of the choices I make. I cherish her approval and fear of her disappointment. I feel confident that all the life lesions she has taught me and the advice she gives me, will continue to shape my standards and values in life. My mother raised my brother and I the way my grandmother raised her. I have been taught that honesty, integrity, hard work, and respect should be constituted into daily living, and to get what we want in life, we have to earn it. Read more:  Who is your admired person essay Although I wasn’t brought up in a life of splendor, I acknowledge that I live a comfortable lifestyle due to the hard work and effort my mother put into her life. Her perseverance is an example I want to follow. Coming from a large family with very little education and financial resources, she moved away from home with one goal in mind, and that was to make a better way of life for us. And that she did. With that, she was able to provide my brother and I the luxuries that others didn’t have. For that I am extremely grateful for. Now that I am old enough to understand that my mother was able to overcome adversity, and accomplish everything she has, inspires my every day to make myself a better person. I greatly admire her strength and strong will, and I am extremely proud to be her son. And in my mother’s words, one of her favorite quotes is: â€Å"we only get one chance to live our lives, so it is up to us to take what we have and move forward in life. Our future is not set in stone; we create the path of our own destiny.†

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Banking Structures and Regulation in the UK

Banking Structures and Regulation in the UK Part 1 Bank Structure and Regulation in the UK The uks banking system falls into the â€Å"restricted universal† category because banks are discouraged from owning commercial concerns. It is made up of: commercial banks consisting of the â€Å"big bang† uk banks, HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation), the Royal Bank of Scotland group, HBOS (Halifax Bank of Scotland) and Barclays, with tier 1 capital in 2005 ranging from $35 billion (HSBC) to $19 billion (Barclays) and the group together with about a dozen or so other major banks including Lloyds-TSB ($ 2.5 billion), abbey national, standard chartered and Alliance and Leicester ($ 2.5 billion). The big four, and some of the other banks, engage in retail, wholesale and investment banking, and some have insurance subsidiaries. By the turn of the century, many of the traditional English merchant had been bought by foreign concerns, beginning with Deutsches purchase of Morgan Grenfell bank in 1988. Kleinwort Benson was bought by Dresdner, and the Warburgs by the union bank of Switzerland. Barings having collapsed in 1995 was bought by ING, but Later closed. Some building societies converted to banks following the building societies Act,  1986. Effective January 1987, the Act allowed building societies to convert to bank plc status, to be supervised by bank of England and protected from hostile takeover for five years. Most of the top ten (by the size) building societies in 1986 had, by the new century, given up their mutual status. The early conversions were Abbey National (1989), Bristol and west, Cheltenham and Gloucester (1992; a subsidiary of Lloyds TSB). Building societies that converted between 1995-7 were the Halifax (after a merger with Leeds BS), Alliance Leicester, Northern Rock and Woolwich (taken over by Barclays in 2000). Birmingham Midshires was purchased by the Halifax in 1999; Bradford Bingly converted in 2000. Building societies have a long history in British retail finance. Member of the a society paid subscriptions, and once there was enough funding, a selection procedure determined the member who would receive funds for house purchase or building. In 1945 permanent societies began to form, members kept a share a (deposit) account at a society and could, after period of time, expect to be granted a mortgage. Over time, depositor and mortgages were not necessarily from the same group. As mutual organisation, every customer (depositor or borrower) has a share in the society, with the right to vote on key managerial change. Each vote carries  the same weight, independent of the size of deposit mortgage or loan. In 1984, an informal but effective cartel linking the building societies dissolved after Abbey National broke ranks,(2008 Abbey bank merger with European bank Santander) by the time, many of the large societies viewed the â€Å"big four† and other banks as their main competitor. The Building Societies Act (1986) took effect in January 1987, and allowed building societies to offer a full range of retail banking services typical of a bank. The Act specified the financial activities a building society could undertake, namely: Offering a money transmission service through cheque books and credit cards. Personal loans, unsecured. Foreign currency exchange. Investment management and advice. Stock broking. Provision and underwriting of insurance, Expansion into other Eu states. Real estate services. However, there important restrictions: 90% of the building societys asset had to be resident mortgage, and wholesale money plus deposit could not exceed 20% of liabilities, subsequently raised to 40% then 50%. In 1986 act also gave these organisations the option of converting to bank status and as a results, the number of building societies fell dramatically as table1.1 shows The investment banking industry is dominated by major us and European banks including Goldman sachs, Morgen Stenly, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, uBS, Deutsche bank and credit Suisse. In additions the main uk banks also have investment banking subsidiaries (e.g. Barclays Capital). There are few independent uk merchant banks as most have been acquired by overseas investment and commercial banks. Recent Changes in Retail banking structure To operate in the retail markets, bank have traditionally required an extensive branch network. However, technological developments in particular the growth in automated teller machine (ATM) networks, telephone/internet banking, mobile phones and interactive digital television have enabled a new type of bank to emerge that does not need branches to conduct business. In uk the pioneer was First Direct, which began as a telephone bank in 1989 and is an operation of HSBC, one of the large clearing banks. By 2002 First Direct had around 1 million customer and offered a full range of retail bank services, from cheque accounts to personal loans. Over half of the customers First Direct regularly use internet to access their account. Most of the other established banks in the uk have followed the lead of HSBC and started up a remote banking service that allows customers to access their account using the telephone, internet or mobile phone. The british Bankers association (2002) reported that , in 2001, one third of all bank accounts were accessed through the telephone or internet. Of these remote transactions, it is the internet that now dominates, accounting for 167 million transaction in 2001 compared with 127 million telephone transactions. In late 1980s numbers of branch declined because of technology innovation. the introduction of ATMs (at the branch and remote location grew significantly. there was also a substantial growth in electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS) terminals from 4,640 in 1993 to 8,984 in 1997 further reflecting the trend to supplement tradition with new distribution channels. These terminals are placed in retail stores, shopping centres , petrol stations and so on. That process credit and debit cards payments. The number of such terminals is believed to have exceed 11000 by 2004. Some of the banks proved pay-in machines out side the banks branches for 24/7. The reason for shifts from branches to other means of financial service firms desire to improve operating efficiency as well as customers increasing demands to access banking services outside traditional hours. As the banks and building societies branches fall rapidly the unemployment increased. The fall in staff employed is particularly noticeable for retail banks (it fell by round 75,000 between 1990 and 1996), although retail bank employment increased from then onwards by over 45,000 to reach just over 346000 by the of 2004. But from early 2008 to 2009 many branches closed because of recession (banking crisis), and by 2010 RBS plc will closed 300 more branches, in results 3,500 bank staff will become jobless. The increased in employment after 1996 is imputable to building societies conversion to bank plc. In addition there has been a substantial increase in employment by foreign banks since 1996 up to 2001 reflecting the booming capital markets activity of foreign owned investment banks in London. The graph shows that all the main banks have maintained relatively stable staff levels in recent years. It should noted that RBS acquired NatWest in 2000, large decline in NatWest is mirror by the increased at Royal Bank of Scotland. In 2004 330,700 staff were employed by Major Bank British Groups. Interesting to note that 63 per cent were female, of whom 76,300 were employed as part time worker. Throughout the 1995 there has been a gradual increase in the number of part time employed in the banking sector mainly in retail banking sector. Again the general decline in total employment in the banking sector and the increase in part time employment, are indicators of the banks desire to improve their operating efficiently. Recent development in the uk financial system. There has been a tremendous change in the uk financial system since the early 1980s. The change that have been taken place can be analysed in a systematic way. This analyse adapted from Llewellyn (19985, 1991), provides a framework for assessing and interpreting the more specific discussion of event in financial market. Some of the main force leading to the modification of any financial system are. Change in the market environment. Change in the portfolio preferences of user of financial intermediation services. Change in the preference of and constraints on the providers of financial intermediation services. The interaction of these forces produces financial innovation, which is essentially the development of new financial instruments and techniques of financial intermediation, and structural change in the financial system with appearance of new financial markets and change in the organisation and behaviour of institutions. Over the postwar period up to the end of the 1960s the uk financial system was characterised by strict demarcation between the various types of financial insititusions. So banks provides banking services and building societies provides housing finance services. As a consequence there was also little competition between the different types of institution. There was also little competition within a particular financial markets as, for example, banks and building societies operated cartels which set interest rates. Similarly within stock markets, restrictive practise, in particular the existence of minimum non negotiable commission, had the effect of reducing competition. In 1971 reform of the banking system, through a package of measure know as competition and credit control, led to the removal of the banking system cartel and greater competition within the industry. However, most of the deregulation of the financial system occurred after 1980, with the aim of introducing greater compe tition, alongside this deregulation there was a parallel trend to tighten up the prudential intermediation services. In 1980 controls on banking lending were abandoned, leaving banks free to expand into new areas and one areas which was targeted was housing finance. Banks therefore entered into competition with building societies. Which led to building societies abandoning their cartel arrangement, and in 1986 to the building societies act, which relaxed to some extent, the constraints imposed on building societies. Competition in uk banking the Cruickshank report The terms of reference for the enquiry were to examine innovation, competition and efficient in the retail banking industry in the uk, to see how these compared with international standards and to consider options for change. The enquiry team reported in March 2000(Cruickshank 2000). The report identifies that banks are treated differently from other industries in many respects, including high regulatory barriers to entry and diluted exposure to competition law. This special treatment is likely to be the result of an informal contract between government and banks, designed to deliver confident in the banking system. However the report argues that this special treatment of the industry has allowed banks to escape the rigours of effective competition. This conclusion is supported by reference to the fact that the return on equity for uk banks is well in excess of their cost of capital. The three areas of retail banking investigated in depth were, the payment system; services to personal customers (current accounts, saving products, personal loans, mortgages and credit cards); and services to small and medium-sized businesses (current accounts and external finance). Competition problems were found in each area. However, the report noted that, as a result of new entrants into the market for the supply of services to personal customers, competition is increasing and prices should fall in the future. The most severe competition problems were found in the payments services and as the current account is one of the main products provided to retail and small business customers, restrictions in payments services have an impact on other retail banking markets. The uk payments system consists of a series of unregulated networks (such as the bankers automated clearing services and ATM networks) mostly controlled by the main banks. Access to the system is restricted to banks or similar institutions. This clearing creates barriers to entry and therefore stifles innovation and competition. The Cruickshank committee recommended the establishment of a payments system regulator with power to deliver competitive outcomes. The government has instead proposed that the office of fair trading (OFT) be given new power to promote competition in payment system. The Cruickshank reviews also concluded that the supply of banking services to small and medium sized business was less competitive than the supply to personal customers. The market is more concentrated and has higher barriers to entry. As a consequence the government referred the problem to the competition commission. The competition commission confirmed that a complex monopoly exists in the supply of banking services to small and medium- sized business(competition commission 2002). It recommended a number of measures to reduce restrictive practices, including allowing small business customer to switch account to other banks quickly and with minimum cost. VSA Banking Structure and Regulation The central bank and bank supervisory function in the VSA have evolved to create a VS banking and financial structure which, by the late 20th century, was notably different from those in other western countries. Several factors explain its unique structure. First VS regulators have been far more inclined to seek statutory remedies in the event of a new problem, resulting in a plethora of legislation. Second the protection of small depositors has been considered an important objective since the 1930s. Third, concern about potential collusion among banks and between banks and regulators has received as much weight in the VSA as measures were put in place to preserve the stability of the banking system. However, two important financial reforms could result in gradual but major change in the structure of VS banking over the first decade of the new century. The most PART 2 1: CALL OPTION A OPTION that give the HOLDER the right but not the obligation to Buy a stated quantity of the underlying instrument at a specified price on or with in a predetermined period of time. 1.1: PuT OPTION A OPTION that give the HOLDER the right but not the obligation to Sell a stated quantity of the underlying instrument at a specified price on or within a predetermined period of time. CALL OPTION So=  £3.00 X =  £3.25 Period until maturity = 1 year Upwards price at 1 year =  £6.00 Downwards price at year =  £1.50 Risk free interest = 5% T= 0 T=1 Uso = 6.00 So = 3 Dso = 1.50 Max (uso X, 0) (6-3.25,0) = 2.75 Co = Max (Dso X, 0) (1.50- 3.25 , 0)= 0 6xY + (1+rf)Z P.Fo = 1x Y+Z 1.5x Y+(1+rf)Z Create a portfolio today by Y(number of shares) in BRIGHT Ventures plc and deposit  £Z at risk free interest rate for 1 year. Today P.F = 1xY+Z After One year If the shares price increase  £ 6xY+ (1+rf)Z = 2.75 If the shares price decrease  £ 1.5xY+(1+rf)Z=0 6.0xY+1.05Z=2.75 1.5xY+1.05Z=0 4.5Y= 2.75 Y= 2.75/4.5 Y= 0.61111 1.50.61111+1.05Z=0 0.9167+1.05Z=0 1.05Z= 0.9167 Z= -0.9167/1.05 Z= 0.873 P.F = 1xY+Z P.F = 30.61111+ 0.873 P.F= 0.96033 PuT OPTION So=  £3.00 X =  £3.25 Period until maturity = 1 year Upwards price at 1 year =  £6.00 Downwards price at year =  £1.50 Risk free interest = 5% Uso= 6.00 So = 3 Dso= 1.50 Max (X uso , 0) (3.25- 6, 0)= 0 Po= Max (X- dso, 0) (3.25-1.50, 0)= 1.75 6.0xY+(1+rf)Z P.Fo= 1xY+Z 1.5xY+(1+rf)Z Create a portfolio today by Y(number of shares) in BRIGHT Ventures plc and deposit  £Z at risk free interest rate for 1 year. Today P.F = 1xY+Z After One year If the shares price increase  £ 6xY+ (1+rf)Z = 0 If the shares price decrease  £ 1.5xY+(1+rf)Z= 1.75 6.0xY+1.05Z=0 1.5xY+1.05Z=1.75 4.5Y= 1.75 Y= -1.75/4.5 Y= 0.3889 6x 0.3889 + 1.05Z = 0 -2.3334 + 1.05Z = 0 1.05Z= 2.3334 Z= 2.3334/ 1.05 Z= 2.2223 P.F= 1xY+Z P.F = 3x 0.3889 + 2.2223 P.F= 1.0556 Put-Call-Parity The Put + underlying Security price = call + P.V[ X] P.V[X]= exercise price / 1 + rf P.V[X]= 3.095 Put + 3.00 = 0.96033 + 3.095 Put + 3.00= 4.05533 Put = 4.05533 3.00 Put = 1.05533 Black scholes Model Co = SxN (d1) Xe⠁ »rt N (d2) d1= ln (S/X)+ (r + v ²/2)t V √ t d2= d1 -V √ t d1 = ln (3/3.25) + (0.05 + 0.40 ²/2)1 0.40√ 1 d1= 0.0800+ ( 0.05 + .16/2)1 0.4 d1= 0.0800 + 0.13 .04 d1= 0.125 d2= 0.125 0.4 √ 1 d2= 0.275 d1= 0.125 d2= 0.275 N(d1)= Pr [Z ≠¤ 0.125] = 0.8944 N(d2)= Pr [Z ≠¤- 0.275] = 0.3936 Co = SN (d1) Xe⠁ »rt N(d2) Co = 3x 0.8944 3.25e⠁ »0.05 (0.3936) C0 = 2.6832 3.25 x 0.9512 x 0.3936 C0 = 2.6832 1.2168 Co= 1.4664

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Eulogy for Friend :: Eulogies Eulogy

Eulogy for Friend Three days ago I was working on a lecture dealing with a prominent figure on the French literary scene who happens to be a Sephardic Jew. He pictures the Jew as essentially a wounded man, one racked by his Jewishness. The world for him is a desert, and God is enwrapped in silence. For him the keynote is exile, the stuff of his writing a kind of brave despair. The news of Hays's death broke into my thoughts on this, and it occurred to me that his philosophy of life could be expressed by reversing this writer's terms. The one saw the Jew as a wounded man; the other saw in the Jew, rejoicing in his Jewishness, the acme of spiritual health. The one saw the world as a desert, the other as an orchard. The one saw God as the God of silence, the other saw Him as the God of communication, one with whom you could stay in touch. The keynote of the one was exile; while the other saw in the combination of Judaism and America the best of all possible worlds. It is deceptively easy to say, why not? Was not Hays one on whom fortune had smiled, one who had every reason to see the world in a positive light? Yet the very fact in itself can be burdensome. His father had set him a very high standard. Solomon Solis-Cohen combined the sciences and the humanities and community service in a way which is hardly possible in our complex age. Hays hewed out his own path. In his lifelong professional growth as a man of the law, he acquired a reputation for probity second to none. Even those who disagreed with him on this issue or that had to concede that he was a man of conscience, and for him principle came first, and no claim of expediency could make it take second place. Hays took to heart the moral of his father's best-known poem, and knew how quickly love can pass by if it is not grasped and cherished. He loved much and well. He loved America with a passionate devotion. When my son was born, he wrote to me, pointing out the privilege of being born an American citizen. He loved the ideals and traditions of Judaism, and always found them in harmony with his Americanism. He loved his grand-children, and a special warmth came into his voice when he spoke of them.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Biblical Foundations Essay

Curriculum development is establishing a plan of what a school is going to teach during a school year. The time frame of the curriculum can vary from a quarter to a semester to even being taught the entire school year. Wayne (2010) suggests that each individual’s personal biblical worldview impacts each person in their beliefs and opinions about curriculum development differently. The stance taken by this individual is that of trying to see things in the manner that God would want. God is all knowing and being all knowing, He knows what is best in all things at all times. The Bible says: â€Å"For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together† (Colossians 1:16-17). Developing a curriculum is not to be taken lightly. Prayer, studying the word of God, and meditation must all be a part of the development. The role of teachers is to not only teach our students the curriculum that is set before them but to be a leader and a role model. Being a role model is a scary concept. Scary because it means that one is to not just use the words that they speak but they are to show it by the way they act and live their life. Christian teachers have a tremendous job to accomplish. They influence not only the other teachers around them but also the students that they are around every day. The curriculum that is being taught is of the utmost importance but the Christian witness that is being shown is of even more importance. The public school system does not make this easy for those who are Christians. Speaking the word of God is prohibited within this setting. Knowing this, as Christian teachers, being a deliberate Christian role model is of the utmost importance. Many might say that this is impossible but that is far from the truth. The Bible says: â€Å"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible† (Matthew 19:26). The Bible also says: â€Å"†¦Everything is possible for him who believes† (Mark 9:23). Teachers are some of the most innovative and creative people. Christian teachers are to use this to their benefit. The God we serve is the one and only living God and through him, all things are possible. This makes the possibilities of being a good Christian role model limitless. The role of the learner today should be one of wanting to learn. Teachers can encourage this by using student-centered learning according to Blumberg (2008). This can be a very powerful way of getting the learner to want to learn. Student-centered learning does not have to be the entire focus of the class. The focus here could be put into place after the teacher has instructed the students. In a ninety minute class, the teacher is more than able to instruct the students, and then put them in student-centered learning. This helps the learner to focus on what they have learned and not on what the teacher is teaching according to Blumberg (2008). The approach here helps the learner to focus on what they need to be doing and less time on what is going on around them. In our society today, the biblical worldview is quickly being taken away while the modern worldview is silently creeping in to the minds of everyone. Scripture tells us: â€Å"†¦Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light† (2 Corinthians 11:14). We, as Christians, are becoming so conditioned to being politically correct that we are forgetting what is biblically correct. We sit back and think that if we just ignore what is going on, then it will just go away. Instead of that, things have gotten worse and even our young children and adults are beginning to believe that what is taking place is alright. No prayer in school, it is the holiday break not Christmas break, it is spring break not Easter. A worldview is what we develop because of what is going on around us. Many do not even realize that their worldview is being formed or altered. When asked what their worldview is, many cannot even explain it, let alone tell you where their view came from. Today’s Christian society needs to step up and take a stance on what needs to be taught within our public schools. Many in our Christian society have pulled their children out of the public school system to either put them into private Christian schools or to homeschool them. Although this is not wrong, it is not accurate either. The government of today has been shaped and is being shaped by the beliefs of many different religions. â€Å"The U. S. was the first western nation to be founded predominately by Protestants — not Roman Catholics. That fact alone expresses America’s willingness to experiment with the novel and a defiance of tradition. Its history includes the emergence of utopian experiments, religious fanaticism, and opening the door to such exotic religions as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Taoism. Such has been the winding road of religious evolution in America† (History of Religion in America). In trying to make the United States a place of religious freedom, our government has instead made the life of a Christian more difficult. The government’s role in our society should be that of making sure that our children are educated to the standard possible. Although religious viewpoints should be left up to the families of the children, the government still needs to maintain that our freedom is not taken away within the schools. There does need to be guidelines that need to be established but without the persecution of believers of Christ. The church needs to be very careful when getting involved with curriculum development outside of Christian schools. There are so many beliefs that are out there that if the church were to get too involved, the government could and has stepped in to tell us that all has to be taught or expressed. This is where the parents need to step up to the plate. Parents can become and should become a part of the school. Becoming a part of the Parent Teacher Organization is a good start. Getting to know the teachers and expressing to them the needs that should be better met for the students should be of the utmost important. Parents have the right to have a say in the development of the school curriculum. Done in the proper manner, parents can even have a powerful impact on the curriculum their children are taught. Being a part of the process instead of being a part of the problem is the best plan any parent should be a part of for their child. Teachers, learners, society, government, church and family all have an important role in developing curriculum. Each on has a specific role that affects each and every one of us. Teachers and learners work together every day. They get to know each other on a level that can and should encourage trust with one another. Society and government go hand in hand in expressing what the people of that particular area want. Church and families hold the values we want our children to have as well as the standards of life we want. The development of curriculum is to be held to a high standard. Each group that is listed above help to provide the high standard that our children deserve in the educational field.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Host Chapter 47: Employed

This is too easy. It's not really even fun anymore,† Kyle complained. â€Å"You wanted to come,† Ian reminded him. He and Ian were in the windowless back of the van, sorting through the nonperishable groceries and toiletries I'd just collected from the store. It was the middle of the day, and the sun was shining on Wichita. It was not as hot as the Arizona desert, but it was more humid. The air swarmed with tiny flying bugs. Jared drove toward the highway out of town, carefully keeping below the speed limit. This continued to irritate him. â€Å"Getting tired of shopping yet, Wanda?† Ian asked me. â€Å"No. I don't mind it.† â€Å"You always say that. Isn't there anything you mind?† â€Å"I mind†¦ being away from Jamie. And I mind being outside, a little bit. During the day especially. It's like the opposite of claustrophobia. Everything is too open. Does that bother you, too?† â€Å"Sometimes. We don't go out during the day much.† â€Å"At least she gets to stretch her legs,† Kyle muttered. â€Å"I don't know why you want to hear her complain.† â€Å"Because it's so uncommon. Which makes it a nice change from listening to you complain.† I tuned them out. Once Ian and Kyle got started, they usually went on for a while. I consulted the map. † Oklahoma City next?† I asked Jared. â€Å"And a few small towns on the way, if you're up for it,† he answered, eyes on the road. â€Å"I am.† Jared rarely lost his focus when on a raid. He didn't relax into relieved banter the way Ian and Kyle did every time I completed another mission successfully. It made me smile when they used that word-mission. That sounded so formidable. In reality, it was just a trip to the store. Just like I'd done a hundred times in San Diego when I was only feeding myself. Like Kyle said, it was too easy to provide any excitement. I pushed my cart up and down the aisles. I smiled at the souls who smiled at me, and I filled my cart with things that would last. I usually grabbed a few things that wouldn't, for the men hiding in the back of the van. Premade sandwiches from the deli-things like that for our meals. And maybe a treat or two. Ian had a fondness for mint chocolate chip ice cream. Kyle liked caramel sweets best. Jared ate anything he was offered; it seemed as if he'd given up favorites many years before, embracing a life where wants were unwelcome and even needs were carefully assessed before they were met. Another reason he was good at this life-he saw priorities uncontaminated by personal desire. Occasionally, in the smaller towns, someone would notice me, would speak to me. I had my lines down so well that I could probably have fooled a human by this point. â€Å"Hi there. New in town?† â€Å"Yes. Brand-new.† â€Å"What brings you to Byers?† I was always careful to check the map before I left the van, so the town's name would be familiar. â€Å"My partner travels a lot. He's a photographer.† â€Å"How wonderful! An Artist. Well, there's certainly a lot of beautiful land around here.† Originally, I'd been the Artist. But I'd found that throwing in the information that I was already partnered saved me some time when I was speaking to males. â€Å"Thank you so much for your help.† â€Å"You're very welcome. Come back soon.† I'd only had to speak to a pharmacist once, in Salt Lake City; after that, I'd known what to look for. A sheepish smile. â€Å"I'm not sure I'm getting the right nutrition. I can't seem to avoid the junk food. This body has such a sweet tooth.† â€Å"You need to be wise, Thousand Petals. I know it's easy to give in to your cravings, but try to think about what you're eating. In the meantime, you should take a supplement.† Health. Such an obvious title on the bottle, it made me feel silly for asking. â€Å"Would you like the ones that taste like strawberries or the ones that taste like chocolate?† â€Å"Could I try both?† And the pleasant soul named Earthborn gave me both of the large bottles. Not very challenging. The only fear or sense of danger I ever felt came when I thought of the small cyanide pill that I always kept in an easily reachable pocket. Just in case. â€Å"You should get new clothes in the next town,† Jared said. â€Å"Again?† â€Å"Those are looking a little creased.† â€Å"Okay,† I agreed. I didn't like the excess, but the steadily growing pile of dirty laundry wouldn't go to waste. Lily and Heidi and Paige were all close to my size, and they would be grateful for something new to wear. The men rarely bothered with things like clothes when they were raiding. Every foray was life-or-death-clothes were not a priority. Nor were the gentle soaps and shampoos that I'd been collecting at every store. â€Å"You should probably clean up, too,† Jared said with a sigh. â€Å"Guess that means a hotel tonight.† Keeping up appearances was not something they'd worried about before. Of course, I was the only one who had to look as if I were a part of civilization from close up. The men wore jeans and dark T-shirts now, things that didn't show dirt or attract attention in the brief moments they might be seen. They all hated sleeping in the roadside inns-succumbing to unconsciousness inside the very mouth of the enemy. It scared them more than anything else we did. Ian said he'd rather charge an armed Seeker. Kyle simply refused. He mostly slept in the van during the day and then sat up at night, acting as sentry. For me, it was as easy as shopping in the stores. I checked us in, made conversation with the clerk. Told the story about my photographer partner and the friend who was traveling with us (just in case someone saw all three of us enter the room). I used generic names from unremarkable planets. Sometimes we were Bats: Word Keeper, Sings the Egg Song, and Sky Roost. Sometimes we were See Weeds: Twisting Eyes, Sees to the Surface, and Second Sunrise. I changed the names every time, not that anyone was trying to trace our path. It just made Melanie feel safer to do that. All this made her feel like a character in a human movie about espionage. The hard part, the part I really minded-not that I would say this in front of Kyle, who was so quick to doubt my intentions-was all the taking without giving anything back. It had never bothered me to shop in San Diego. I took what I needed and nothing more. Then I spent my days at the university giving back to the community by sharing my knowledge. Not a taxing Calling, but one I took seriously. I took my turns at the less-appealing chores. I did my day collecting garbage and cleaning streets. We all did. And now I took so much more and gave nothing in return. It made me feel selfish and wrong. It's not for yourself. It's for others, Mel reminded me when I brooded. It still feels wrong. Even you can feel that, can't you? Don't think about it was her solution. I was glad we were on the homestretch of our long raid. Tomorrow we would visit our growing cache-a moving truck we kept hidden within a day's reach of our path-and clean out the van for the last time. Just a few more cities, a few more days, down through Oklahoma, then New Mexico, and then a straight drive through Arizona with no stops. Home again. At last. When we slept in hotels rather than in the crowded van, we usually checked in after dark and left before dawn to keep the souls from getting a good look at us. Not really necessary. Jared and Ian were beginning to realize that. This night, because we'd had such a successful day-the van was completely full; Kyle would have little space-and because Ian thought I looked tired, we stopped early. The sun had not set when I returned to the van with the plastic key card. The little inn was not very busy. We parked close to our room, and Jared and Ian went straight from the van to the room in a matter of five or six steps, their eyes on the ground. On their necks, small, faint pink lines provided camouflage. Jared carried a half-empty suitcase. No one looked at them or me. Inside, the room-darkening curtains were drawn, and the men relaxed a little bit. Ian lounged on the bed he and Jared would use, and flipped on the TV. Jared put the suitcase on the table, took out our dinner-cooled greasy breaded chicken strips I'd ordered from the deli in the last store-and passed it around. I sat by the window, peeking through the corner at the falling sun as I ate. â€Å"You have to admit, Wanda, we humans had better entertainment,† Ian teased. On the television screen, two souls were speaking their lines clearly, their bodies held with perfect posture. It wasn't hard to pick up what was happening in the story because there wasn't a lot of variety in the scripts souls wrote. In this one, two souls were reconnecting after a long separation. The male's stint with the See Weeds had come between them, but he'd chosen to be human because he guessed his partner from the Mists Planet would be drawn to these warm-blooded hosts. And, miracle of miracles, he'd found her here. They all had happy endings. â€Å"You have to consider the intended audience.† â€Å"True. I wish they'd run old human shows again.† He flipped through the channels and frowned. â€Å"Used to be a few of them on.† â€Å"They were too disturbing. They had to be replaced with things that weren't so†¦ violent.† â€Å"The Brady Bunch?† I laughed. I'd seen that show in San Diego, and Melanie knew it from her childhood. â€Å"It condoned aggression. I remember one where a little male child punched a bully, and that was portrayed as being the right thing to do. There was blood.† Ian shook his head in disbelief but returned to the show with the former See Weed. He laughed at the wrong parts, the parts that were supposed to be touching. I stared out the window, watching something much more interesting than the predictable story on television. Across the two-lane road from the inn was a small park, bordered on one side by a school and on the other by a field where cows grazed. There were a few young trees, and an old-fashioned playground with a sandbox, a slide, a set of monkey bars, and one of those hand-pulled merry-go-rounds. Of course there was a swing set, too, and that was the only equipment being used currently. A little family was taking advantage of the cooler evening air. The father had some silver in his dark hair at the temples; the mother looked many years his junior. Her red brown hair was pulled back in a long ponytail that bobbed when she moved. They had a little boy, no more than a year old. The father pushed the child in the swing from behind, while the mother stood in front, leaning in to kiss his forehead when he swung her way, making him giggle so hard that his chubby little face was bright red. This had her laughing, too-I could see her body shake with it, her hair dancing. â€Å"What are you staring at, Wanda?† Jared's question wasn't anxious, because I was smiling softly at the surprising scene. â€Å"Something I've never seen in all my lives. I'm staring at†¦ hope.† Jared came to stand behind me, peeking out over my shoulder. â€Å"What do you mean?† His eyes swept across the buildings and the road, not pausing on the playing family. I caught his chin and pointed his face in the right direction. He didn't so much as flinch at my unexpected touch, and that gave me a strange jolt of warmth in the pit of my stomach. â€Å"Look,† I said. â€Å"What am I looking at?† â€Å"The only hope for survival I've ever seen for a host species.† â€Å"Where?† he demanded, bewildered. I was aware of Ian close behind us now, listening silently. â€Å"See?† I pointed at the laughing mother. â€Å"See how she loves her human child?† At that moment, the woman snatched her son from the swing and squeezed him in a tight embrace, covering his face with kisses. He cooed and flailed-just a baby. Not the miniature adult he would have been if he carried one of my kind. Jared gasped. â€Å"The baby is human? How? Why? For how long?† I shrugged. â€Å"I've never seen this before-I don't know. She has not given him up for a host. I can't imagine that she would be†¦ forced. Motherhood is all but worshipped among my kind. If she is unwilling†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I shook my head. â€Å"I have no idea how that will be handled. This doesn't happen elsewhere. The emotions of these bodies are so much stronger than logic.† I glanced up at Jared and Ian. They were both staring openmouthed at the interspecies family in the park. â€Å"No,† I murmured to myself. â€Å"No one would force the parents if they wanted the child. And just look at them.† The father had his arms around both the mother and the child now. He looked down at his host body's biological son with staggering tenderness in his eyes. â€Å"Aside from ourselves, this is the first planet we've discovered with live births. Yours certainly isn't the easiest or most prolific system. I wonder if that's the difference†¦ or if it's the helplessness of your young. Everywhere else, reproduction is through some form of eggs or seeds. Many parents never even meet their young. I wonder†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I trailed off, my thoughts full of speculation. The mother lifted her face to her partner, and he kissed her lips. The human child crowed with delight. â€Å"Hmm. Perhaps, someday, some of my kind and some of yours will live in peace. Wouldn't that be†¦ strange?† Neither man could tear his eyes from the miracle in front of them. The family was leaving. The mother dusted the sand off her jeans while the father took the boy. Then, holding hands that they swung between them, the souls strolled toward the apartments with their human child. Ian swallowed loudly. We didn't speak for the rest of the evening, all of us made thoughtful by what we'd seen. We went to sleep early, so we could rise early and get back to work. I slept alone, in the bed farthest from the door. This made me uncomfortable. The two big men did not fit easily on the other bed; Ian tended to sprawl when he was deeply asleep, and Jared was not above throwing punches when that happened. Both of them would be more comfortable if I shared. I slept in a small ball now; maybe it was the too-open spaces I moved in all day that had me constricting in on myself at night, or maybe I was just so used to curling up to sleep in the tiny space behind the passenger seat on the van's floor that I'd forgotten how to sleep straight. But I knew why no one asked me to share. The first night the men had unhappily realized the necessity of a hotel shower for me, I'd heard Ian and Jared talking about me over the whir of the bathroom fan. â€Å"†¦ not fair to ask her to choose,† Ian was saying. He kept his voice low, but the fan was not loud enough to drown it out. The hotel room was very small. â€Å"Why not? It's fairer to tell her where she's going to sleep? Don't you think it's more polite -â€Å" â€Å"For someone else. But Wanda will agonize over this. She'll be trying so hard to please us both, she'll make herself miserable.† â€Å"Jealous again?† â€Å"Not this time. I just know how she thinks.† There was a silence. Ian was right. He did know how I thought. He'd probably already foreseen that given the slightest hint that Jared would prefer it, I would choose to sleep beside Jared, and then keep myself awake worrying that I'd made Jared unhappy by being there and that I'd hurt Ian's feelings in the bargain. â€Å"Fine,† Jared snapped. â€Å"But if you try cuddling up to me tonight†¦ so help me, O'Shea.† Ian chuckled. â€Å"Not to sound overly arrogant, but to be perfectly honest, Jared, were I so inclined, I think I could do better.† Despite feeling a little guilty about wasting so much needed space, I probably did sleep better alone. We didn't have to go to a hotel again. The days started to pass more quickly, as if even the seconds were trying to run home. I could feel a strange western pull on my body. We were all eager to get back to our dark, crowded haven. Even Jared got careless. It was late, no sunlight left lingering behind the western mountains. Behind us, Ian and Kyle were taking turns driving the big moving truck loaded with our spoils, just as Jared and I took turns with the van. They had to drive the heavy vehicle more carefully than Jared did the van. The headlights had faded slowly into the distance, until they disappeared around a wide curve in the road. We were on the homestretch. Tucson was behind us. In a few short hours, I would see Jamie. We would unload the welcome provisions, surrounded by smiling faces. A real homecoming. My first, I realized. For once the return would bring nothing but joy. We carried no doomed hostages this time. I wasn't paying attention to anything but anticipation. The road didn't seem to be flying by too fast; it couldn't fly past fast enough as far as I was concerned. The truck's headlights reappeared behind us. â€Å"Kyle must be driving,† I murmured. â€Å"They're catching up.† And then the red and blue lights suddenly spun out in the dark night behind us. They reflected off all the mirrors, dancing spots of color across the roof, the seats, our frozen faces, and the dashboard, where the needle on the speed gauge showed that we were traveling twenty miles over the speed limit. The sound of a siren pierced the desert calm.